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This is my family and our friends from the Cook'n Club getting ready to eat breakfast. Every morning, a chef comes to our villa and cooks whatever we want. The fresh fruit was amazing! We had eggs prepared four different ways, bacon, sausage, pancakes, hot cocoa unlike any other, mango, papaya, some kind of mashed up platanos and a bunch of other things with amazing flavors that I've never tasted before!

We usually go to one of the many buffets for lunch but there are also small cafe's such as this one that you can go to.

They serve Pina Coladas everywhere. They're my favorite!

On Friday night, a chef and two waiters come to your villa for an outdoor barbecue. The food is spectacular! Such a treat!

The menus at the VIP restaurant glow! The resort has
18 Restaurants, 36 Bars and Snacks, 14 Pools Including Exclusive Kid's Pool Areas, and 6 Beaches.

I told the waiter that I couldn't decide between the Ribeye Steak or the Rock Lobster. He said "I'll bring you both." I was like "What? Seriously?! I love this place!"

This is when we ate at the Rodizio (Brazilian Churrascaria).

Every Sunday they do a huge outdoor feast and with entertainment.

The crepes down on the beach were one of our favorites. My boy, Jackson, ate 6 of them at one point. We had to tell him to stop!

This is us at the Trapiche Paradise restaurant.

The great things is that the food is free! I's part of the all-inclusive fee. As a result, you can eat anywhere you like and you can eat as much as you like as often as you like! It was great!!

Andan was pretty excited about this dessert!

We got to celebrate Louise's birthday while we were there. That's quite a candle!!
Jack had a birthday while we were there too. While I didn't take many food photos, you can still see what a nice restaurant this is.

The seafood was fantastic and the hors d'oeuvres were delicious!

When we went into the city, we fould that they peel the oranges so you can eat them without chapping your lips.

Fresh oranges in the carribbean are juicy and delicious!

Shrimp on the beach? Yum! Talk about fresh!

The kids drank fresh coconut milk for the first time.

We ate vine ripened bananas...

And, we ate sugar cane too! Yum!!

When they peel the coconut, they chop off a piece of it to make a spoon (see it in my right hand?). After you drink the milk, they split it open for you and you use the make-shift spoon to scrape out the tender meat. It's not hard and dry like you would expect. It's tender and delicious!

And...sometimes...we were so tired from all the excitement and adventure...we fell asleep at the dinner table. This is Carson catching some Zzzz's.