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After we gave out gifts to the locals, we stayed and played with them.
Even though the kids don't speak the language, they still had a real fun time playing with the kids. Such a great experience for all of us!
My brother and I got into a pickup game of basketball with the boys. It was very fun.
Our friend, Louise, wrote a song to describe this paradise. We persuaded her to sing it for us.

On Sunday, we went back to an area where I
served as a missionary 24 years ago. I was surprised to see so many people that I know and love! It brought me to tears. I couldn't control my emotions. I cried like a baby.

Such a happy reunion! I love the people here.

This family of 5 rode to church on one motorcyle (the mom is holding a baby). Quite a sight to see!

Our taxi driver was very touched by the service and church experience that we had. He could see how much we truly love the people there. He insisted that we go to his house for a special we did!

They're building another villa right next to ours. Look how they shovel cement material four stories hand!

Since we were there with Louise and friends from the
Dominican Starfish Foundation, we weren't just tourists. Instead, we were treated like family. This is my sister-in-law loving up on a Dominican baby.

After giving out toys and clothing, we would stop and hang with the people. It was so great to see the kids make friends and have such a great time! It was all so spontaneous and fun! We just snapped photos when we could!

The funny thing is that these kids don't even speak the same language...but it didn't matter! They were all so nice! Everyone just played and had a great time!

It was so fun to visit with them.

The kids just loved to be together

Such a fun time!

Ha! What a great photo!

The Dominican girls painted Brennah's nails for her! :)

I even got caught in the act. This little guy was SO cute! I couldn't resist picking him up and snuggling him a bit! What a doll baby!

Once every week, the resort lets us invite guests to our villa. Considering that they live next to the ocean, we were surprised to discover that most of the people don't know how to swim. For some, it was their first time in a pool! They loved it!

Kathy, Louise, and gang cooked the main dish and everyone else brought a side dish to pass. It was quite a feast. What a grand experience this was!