If the Governor runs Utah the way a CEO runs a company, based on the principles of transparency and accountability, encouraging innovation and following inspiration, reporting to you as the board of directors, we will discover innovative solutions to today's problems. President Thomas S. Monson said "When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates." I believe we can apply this principle to government and improve our performance. We don't even know where our hard earned tax dollars are going. As Governor, I will present a spending report to the citizens of Utah the way a CEO would present a report to the Board of Directors with pie charts and a video presentation. And, I will give you a forum to provide feedback! Let's measure our performance and report it like President Thomas S. Monson said. If we do, we can improve at an accelerated rate. Who better to fix the economy and get jobs going again...a career politician...or a successful entrepreneur who already has experience creating jobs in the private sector! Hire an experienced entrepreneur to be your CEO and you'll get innovative solutions..
A video interview with Dan was done on 3/31/10 in which he elaborated on innovative solutions to get Utah's economy humming again. This is one clip:
There were several other Economy related questions. Click here to see the entire interview:
A video interview with Dan was done on 3/31/10 in which he elaborated on innovative solutions to get Utah's economy humming again. This is one clip:
There were several other Economy related questions. Click here to see the entire interview: