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Ron has struggled with weight gain his entire life. As he says, "I was a fat kid who grew up to be a fat man." Read an excerpt from this eBook: I have struggled with weight for my entire life. I was a fat kid who grew up to be a fat man. I went on my first real diet during the summer after the sixth grade. My parents didn’t want me to start junior high school with a low self esteem and a poor self image. This first experience with a diet was my dads’ version of Weight Watchers®. I remember that it was very difficult to be so restricted, especially while my friends were eating everything in sight. Hearing the ice cream truck coming down the street was the hardest part for me. All of the kids would run out to it and I would go back into my house feeling deprived and alone. What I didn’t understand at the time, but I have since learned are the emotional difficulties of a diet. It’s our perception that food is one of our most important rewards in life. From the time we are born food is used to bring us comfort. As we become toddlers food is used to gain our cooperation. My mother would give me cookies at the grocery store so that I would sit quietly in the cart while she shopped. In grade school I was rewarded with my favorite dinner for bringing home a good grade. When I landed a new account at work my boss would take me out to lunch. Every special event; birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, is planned around food, usually in large quantities, and not the low calorie type. As a fat person eating at a party I felt as though I was being judged. If I didn’t eat I felt left out, like I’m not participating in the event. We have slowly been programmed to associate happiness and success with food. I have continued with this pattern into adulthood. At the same time I was increasing my waist size to the point of jeopardizing my very life. I had become not just a fat guy, but I had crossed over to obesity. The creators of the Two Week Diet Secret, Ron and Dawn Kaufman, lost a combined 195 lbs. ![]() (Before) (After) The “fat” me, didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere. Everyone would see how “fat” I was. I just wanted to hide. I wouldn’t buy nice clothes because “they won’t look good on me”. I just wore sweat pants or pants with elastic waistbands and giant T-shirts. This only added to my already poor self image. Going to the movies was very uncomfortable. I didn’t fit into the seats well. I had the same problem with airplane seats. So traveling was out. I would only sit in a booth at a restaurant, so I could “hide”. I was so embarrassed by my weight that I even felt uncomfortable around my friends. I was always the “fat guy” in the group. I began to find excuses not to go to parties or family functions. My weight problem (actually my embarrassment about it) started to affect all of my relationships. I was miserable and frustrated. There didn’t seem to be a solution that worked for me. At this time in my life, the only place I ran was to the refrigerator during commercials. I didn’t have the energy for much else. I wanted more out of my life “before I lost it”. I was just like you, I thought that I might never find a solution to my weight problem. I thought “maybe I’m just supposed to be fat”. You’ve heard it all before, some people are just genetically fat. This is just one more reason to give up, and resign your self to the inevitable. Not True! Even if you are genetically pre disposed to being fat, that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything you can do about it. Instead of struggling to change this programming, my wife Dawn and I have discovered the way to live within it. You can actually use this programming to your advantage. We have tried every diet we could find: Atkins®, Weight Watchers®, Nutri System®, The Zone® etc. We have also used every diet aid we could get our hands on: Dexatrim®, Cortislim®, Blaze® fat burner, even prescriptions. We always started out okay, we would even lose some weight, but after a couple of months both of us would get stuck. We just couldn’t lose any more weight. At that point we would quickly become frustrated and once again give up. After each diet failure we ended up gaining back every pound we had lost, plus a few more. Every diet we tried seemed to take us further away from our goals. ![]() We finally realized that the diet industry doesn’t want us to be thin. They need us to be fat and stay that way. This is a billion dollar industry. If everyone succeeded and reached their goal weight, then those billions would dry up. They set us up to fail, knowing that we will keep searching for the next diet “trick”. They know that we will lose enough weight to feel, “we got what we paid for”, but we will also ultimately fail. You can’t stick with a radical diet plan forever. It seems as though failure is inevitable. Actually the diet industry is counting on it, and getting rich from it. The truth is Americans are fatter than ever. Obesity is a huge problem in our country. Health insurance costs are on the rise, partly due to the dramatic health issues faced by so many overweight people. Heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and lower body joint problems are only a few of the problems you could face. You could even become a victim of the newest form of discrimination. Some employers won’t hire “fat” job applicants. Many fear that a “fat” employee will cause the company health plan rates to rise and the “fat” employee will miss more work, and be less productive due to poor health issues. Join us in saying “Never Again!” to the weight loss industry and their Cycle of Failure. You CAN change the path you are on. Join us on our journey to lifelong weight loss success and start living your life to its’ fullest, with the Lean4Life program. ![]() We are living proof that this lifestyle works. I have lost over 120 pounds, and Dawn has lost 65 pounds so far. I went from a couch potato to a marathon runner and Dawn has now begun a running program of her own. You don’t need to become a runner, but you will be able to do the things that will make YOUR life fulfilling. I know that if we can do it, ANYONE can. Let’s face it; we have failed at least as many times as you have. You just need a common sense plan that you can live with for a lifetime, yes a lifetime. This is one of the biggest differences between the Lean4Life program and other “diets”. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is not a short term goal. It is a lifelong journey, and the longer the better! 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