Cook'n for iOS Next Feature Poll

My in-house iOS programming team is working hard on the new "Cook'n Recipes" app for iPhone and iPad. The app is getting better and better everyday. We're SUPER excited after the all of the positive comments that you shared last week. Thank you for your support and encouragement!

We plan to post regular updates every couple weeks. We're working on the next one now but rather than guessing at what I think you would like us to do next, I decided to ask you instead!

Which TWO features would you like us to work on next?
E-mail and Text Recipes0%
Search Local Recipe Database0%
Capture Internet Recipes0%
Search Internet Recipes0%
Show Recipe Categories0%
Edit Recipes0%
Add Photos to Recipes0%
Create New Cookbooks, Chapters, and Recipes0%
Display Shopping Lists Created on Desktop App0%
Create and Edit Shopping Lists on Device0%
Scan Recipes0%
Other: (Please specify)0%

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