Volume II
December 11, 2008

Poll Results
In last month's issue of the HomeCook'n newsletter we asked, "When do you think Christmas celebrations should begin?" Here are the results:
When do you think Christmas celebrations should begin?
Christmas Eve (28) |
12% |
December 1st (77) |
32% |
The Day After Thanksgiving (123) |
51% |
November 1st (6) |
2% |
Give me Christmas in July! (7) |
3% |
Total Votes: 241
Christmas should never stop
let's remember what it is about, if we start it earlier than we should it is only supporting shopping mania.
My personal tree doesn't go up until christmas eve....family tradition
I love playing Christmas music even in the summer. There is just something magical about this season. Merry Christmas!
It seems to be the stores are decorating and pushing Christmas season earlier and earlier every year. The bellringers for Salvation Army are out there ringing the bells before me mind even thinks Christmas. WAIT until after Thanksgiving.
We just found a nice artificial Christmas tree to replace the one that quit working last year. We put it up right away, but we still need to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family before we can get into the Christmas mood.
I like decorating alittle closer to Christmas. The day after Thansgiving, I'm still working off the tryptophan overdose from the turkey! I need a few days to recover!
The " Thanksgiving Day" shoud be the "Kick Off" day of the Holiday Season.!1 A day for giving thanks for one's blessing prepares folks to "Remember the Reason For The Season!"
although i do enjoy Christmas music anytime of year
Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. and the 12 days after to the Epithany.
Christmas is a day to celebrate the birth of Christ
I really get into the Christmas feeling the day after Thanksgiving. My husband waits until after Thanksgiving to put up our outdoor lights. I also wait till the last moment to purchase my gifts as I seem to get better prices closer to Christmas. Happy Holidays!
I thought you ment celebration not purchasing. That s/b after turkey day.
To every thing there is a season....
It might be that I grew up with Christmas decorations were not put up until after Thanksgiving, but I think people have foregotten what Christmas is ... a celebration of life. The birth of our Lord Jesus and the gift of enternal life that He brings us. All He wants of us is for us to Love one another and have no other God than the Heavenly Father. Instead we have focused on the material and not the spiritual.
We celebrate Advent...a 4 week preparation for Christmas, and then celebrate the full 12 days of Christmas leading up to 12th night...the eve of Epiphany - the season of Light. It is fun to explain to everyone why our nativity scene does not come down until Jan. 5! And we have wise men who wander all over our house, and don't arrive at the manger until Epiphany. Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany are my favorite celebrations!
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