For those of us who take road trips often, fast food is just a matter of convenience. But not only do these frequent trips to the drive-through burn a hole in our pockets, they also contribute to health problems. There’s a healthier and tastier way to keep your hunger satisfied while you’re on the road:
Get yourself a high quality cooler
The ideal cooler will have just enough room for the amount of food you need to have on hand, and will stay cool with a cold pack rather than needing ice. You may want to keep enough food with you for several meals, so take that into consideration. The
picnic lover’s website, has a revolutionary cooler that features thermal shield insulation, which is guaranteed to keep your food cold longer than regular coolers. To give us an edge on cool, however, we freeze a half gallon carton of juice — it acts as a tidy freezer block AND as it thaws, you have a nice cool drink waiting.
Portable thermoses are versatile and convenient
Vacuum flask thermoses can carry hot or cold liquids including soup, juice, and even smoothies.
Keep a good variety of healthy foods on hand
Some ideas include fresh fruit, crackers and cheese, nuts, sliced deli meats and bread, granola bars, vinegar- based pasta salad, and individual packets of condiments. Protein-packed snacks will keep you feeling satisfied longer than sugary, empty-calorie processed treats. We also like popcorn—it’s a good hunger pang chaser. Choosing food items that won’t need too much additional preparation or clean-up will help too.
And Finally...
Take a break from driving

Pull off at a rest area, park, or even on the side of the road to enjoy your meal. Eating while driving is dangerous, and you won’t enjoy your meal as much. It’s a good idea to keep a picnic blanket in the car so you can get out and stretch, and enjoy a real picnic no matter where you are. And a portable one with a shoulder strap or carrying bag is extra handy.
Happy traveling and bon apetit!