By now, you might be thinking, “That Alice is some kind of tree-hugger—what with all the ‘natural’ cleaning products, bath products, and vegetarian stuff she’s been foisting on us!” Well, tree-hugger isn’t quite accurate: I’m all about simple and natural. And when I come across something that “WOWs” me, I just have to pass it on—especially when it’s simple and natural.
Now I have NO affiliation with this company — they’re not sending me any kickbacks. I’m only sharing this because at DVO we care about our readers and want you to know about the best. SO… have you heard of Twist European Sponge Cloths? It would take 17 rolls of paper towels to match the lifetime absorbency of just one of these reusable dishtowels.
But wait, it gets better — Twist uses cellulose — a natural tree fiber sourced from sustainable Norwegian tree farms. So not only are these towels reusable, they’re also compostable. This is a company that’s using renewable, sustainable resources and manufacturing processes to create a product that could mean great things to our environment, if enough people use this product. Here’s what they say on their website about the
European Spongecloth #20:
"Not too long ago, we took a closer look at the sponges in our kitchen and realized something profound. Almost every other product in the cleaning aisle has undergone some kind of evolution, while sponges have been the same for decades. We set out to turn the world of cleaning products on its head – combining design and environmental responsibility to create functional, beautiful, and responsible alternatives.
"So we thought...what if a sponge and a paper towel had a love affair? The result would be these wonderfully versatile European Sponge Cloths. They easily wipe kitchen and bath surfaces like a paper towel and absorb like a sponge. Use your European Sponge Cloth for everything from spills to regular kitchen cleanup, and help us realize our vision of a clean world.
"We believe in a clean world. And that means more than sparkling countertops. It means paying attention to what goes into our products (and what happens to them when they’re tossed away).
"Making a sponge is a very challenging process, and one that only a handful of producers undertake. Cellulose sheets (100% tree fiber) are mixed with cotton and heated into a liquid that is poured into large molds. Adjusting the salt particles added to the mix creates those familiar holes. The mix is then dried as a giant block, sliced into various shapes, rinsed sparkling clean, combined with an antibacterial agent, and finally packaged. This process can lead to a lot of waste. Billions of sponges are produced every year. An industry that big has an impact on the world around it.
"At TWIST, we take special care to make sure 99.97% of all our waste is reused in production. And, our cellulose is sourced from renewable tree farms. We are committed to continually improving our production process to minimize our effect on the environment."
If this product excites you like it does Patty and I, then go to their
natural washcloth website and click on the “Where to Buy” button. Chances are good you’ll find a vendor near you. If not, you can order them online. Simple and natural — and sustainable at the same time. THAT’S the recipe we like at DVO!
(If YOU have a smart idea, won't you share it? Life is so much easier and we accomplish so much more when we pool our resources. And after all, we're all in this together. So email
patty@dvo.com or
alice@dvo.com with YOUR Smart Ideas!)
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