We all understand the emotional chaos that these economic times can produce. There is much that is occurring to many whom we know that can cause us to feel helpless and even hopeless. While we understand that depression can require professional medical help—especially if it is on-going, below are some natural remedies that may be used when you may feel “down”. These ideas come from Care2.
Natural Cures for Depression
St. John’s Wort

This “miracle herb” is one of the most popular natural remedies on the market, simply because it works. Scientifically it’s been shown to have an impact on mild forms of depression and is commonly prescribed in Germany in place of chemical anti-depressants. “Overall, we’ve found that St. John’s wort extracts are as effective as standard antidepressants, with fewer side effects,” said Klaus Linde, lead researcher, for the Centre for Complementary Medicine in Munich, Germany in an article for Science Daily. The plant produces a number of different substances that may have anti-depressive properties, but the whole extract is considered to be more effective.
Revamp Your Diet

Too many refined carbohydrates and a diet low in omega3-fatty acids has been linked to depression. If you’ve been feeling blue try switching out some of your processed foods for whole food–this is food as close to its natural state as possible. To get those all-important omega3’s the answer is simple–fish. Salmon, tuna and herring all have high concentrations of omega3-fatty acids and just 3-4 servings a week will give you a much-needed boost. Try taking a fish oil supplement if eating fish regularly is not feasible..

It’s that dreaded word! Yes, we’ve all heard the rumor that exercise is a great depression minimizer but it’s fast becoming fact as study after study back it up. Not only does a regular routine boost your self-esteem, even with light exercise, your body releases endorphins that directly affect the level of pain you are able to perceive both mentally and physically.

Get ready to Om. Just 15 minutes of daily meditation can work wonders if you’re in a funk. Learning the simple act of mindfullness helps put things into perspective and can calm a busy mind. 15 minutes of silence may sound daunting but there is no right (and therefore, no wrong) way to meditate. Anyone can practice meditation. It’s easy, free and doesn’t require any particular skill or training.
Below are foods that may help raise serotonin levels in your brain. However, if you are depressed, anxious or very stressed, make a point of talking with your doctor about how you’re feeling.
High Serotonin Concentration

Moderate Serotonin Concentration

Black Olives
Honeydew melon