We think the only thing more fun than preparing and eating amazing food is to read about it! Thus we thought it might be a nice to include some wonderful food-oriented books to explore. So curl up with a hot cup of herb tea and enjoy!
Apocalypse Chow: How to Eat When the Power Goes Out, Jon and Robin Robertson

The authors deliver a very practical guide to eating with elegance even when the refrigerator, stove and microwave are rendered powerless. With simple tips on how to shop, store, and prepare gourmet food, this book will help anyone forced to eat in the dark. Discover how the right non-perishables and a little creative heat can turn into renowned chef Robin Robertson’s savory Almost Instant Black-Bean Chili, Pantry Pasta Salad, and Fire-Roasted Blueberry Cobbler, among many others.
Hungry Planet: What the World Eats, Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio

This is a photographic study of families from around the world, revealing what people eat during the course of one week. Each family’s profile includes a detailed description of their weekly food purchases: photographs of the family at home, at market, and in the community. The authors traveled to 24 countries and visited 30 families from Bhutan and Bosnia to Mexico and Mongolia. The book is a thirty-course documentary feast!
New Good Food: Shopper's Pocket Guide to Organic, Sustainable, and Seasonal Whole Foods, Margaret M. Wittenberg

Its subtitle pretty much sums this book up. Wittenberg, the vice president of
Whole Foods Market, wrote the portable little volume for shoppers who want to buy only what's truly healthy, seasonal, and environmentally sound. This is a great guide to tote when shopping ($10 from Ten Speed Press).