Few plants in the herbal cornucopia are as misunderstood as parsley. It’s one of the best-known culinary herbs, but unfortunately it’s thought of more as entrée decoration rather than a key ingredient to recipes.
Besides being pretty to look at, it’s full of Vitamins A and C, and it contains protein, fiber, calcium, and many other minerals.
Parsley is also a natural digestive and diuretic. An infusion of parsley leaves and stems can be strained to produce a vitamin-rich tea that is reported to ease symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism. After a heavily seasoned meal, a few chewed parsley leaves cleanse the palate and even freshen the breath.
The tangy-sweet flavor or parsley is also a classic component of bouquet garni, an herb mixture that is usually wrapped in cheesecloth and immersed in soups or stews.
There are two types of parsley: the curly-leaf kind typically used as ornament, and the more strongly flavored flat-leaf variety.
Parsley has a puzzling history and lots of legends associate it with life and joy: A traditional English nursery rhyme reports that babies are found in parsley beds, for instance.
This said, this herb deserves more attention, don’t you think? So I went looking for a unique parsley recipe and I found a dandy! Try this soup and let us know what you think. And remember, whether used as an herb or ornament, parsley is indispensable to your kitchen garden. So be sure to plant it this Spring!
Fresh Parsley Soup
(Serves 2)

¼ C finely chopped onion
1 Tbsp butter
½ C Half ‘n Half
2 Tbsp flour
½ tsp salt
1 ½ C Half ‘n Half
¾ C chopped fresh parsley
In heavy saucepan, sauté onion in butter until tender. In cup, stir together ½ C Half ‘n Half, the flour and salt. Add to onion along with additional 1 ½ C Half ‘n Half. Cook, stirring, until boiling and thickened. Fold in parsley and serve.
Download this recipe.
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