It seems that everywhere I turn someone is blogging, tweeting, e-mailing, or writing something having to do with simplifying our home life. For instance, the other day a friend of mine shared an idea through her blog on how to keep your refrigerator smelling fresh.
We all know about putting a box of baking powder in the frig to absorb orders, but she suggested putting a few drops of vanilla extract on a large cotton ball, and setting it in the back of your frig. Great idea! My only fear is that every time I opened the refrigerator and smelled the vanilla, I would want to bake cookies!
Here are some other ideas:
When raisins stick together: Freeze them, then rub between your palms
When a pot-lid is stuck: Put the pot back on the burner and heat to make the pressure in the pot rise. The lid will then come off.
When sauce is runny: Set the jar in a pan of hot water for a few minutes. When the sauce is simmering, add a paste of cornstarch and water to thicken. Serve sauce at once.
When your bread is a little stale: Refresh it by sprinkling with water, wrapping in aluminum foil and baking at 350 degrees F until it is warm and soft. It will be good for one more use!
When grease has spilled on the kitchen floor: Sprinkle salt on the spill, let sit for a few minutes until grease is absorbed, then wipe up with paper towels.
When honey is crystallized: Set the jar of honey in a pan of hot water for a few minutes. Lift out of the water with a hot pad and rotate the jar until the honey becomes clear.