Foil, Not Just For Covering Casseroles!
by Patty Liston
 I subscribe to a great site, TheDailyGreen.com. I’m always learning something new, especially from a man named Jeff Yeager, author of The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Road Map to True Riches. He also has a sometimes hilarious website, UltimateCheapSkate.com. Really, who knew how many items we could reuse prior to throwing them out? Maybe I’ll just have a regular column on what to do with those used dryer sheets, or pantyhose!
Anyway, this information is shamelessly lifted from an article he sometimes writes for the Daily Green, called “Don’t Throw That Away”! I love repurposing items and aluminum foil is one I know a little about. I must have gotten my penchant for saving foil from my grandmother who had a small drawer of neatly folded foil she would take out and reuse over and over again.
Factoid: Did you know that over 1.3 BILLION pounds of aluminum foil is produced every year in the U.S.? Neither did I.
Take it away, Jeff!
Wash it and use it again (and again): Just wash it in soap and water, flatten it out with a rolling pin on the kitchen counter, (I just flatten it with my hands) and it's good as new. (Caution: Foil that has come in contact with raw meat should not be reused for other food purposes.)
Sharpen scissors and garden shears: Fold used foil so that it's six to eight layers thick, then cut thru it a few times with dull scissors to instantly sharpen them. To sharpen hefty garden and pruning shears, fold the foil so that it's even thicker.
Reduce static cling: I don't understand how it works, but if you throw a crumpled piece of aluminum foil into the clothes dryer, it seems to magically reduce static electricity. A true miracle of cheapskate science.
Shoe/boot forms: Wad up balls of old foil and stuff them into leather boots and shoes to help them keep their form when you're not wearing them.
Paint and plaster texture: Use crumpled up foil to add interesting texture to painting and plastering projects. Also when you're painting, old foil is handy for masking doorknobs and other fixtures you don't want painted, and wrapping your paintbrushes and rollers in during a lunch break.
Deter pets and other animals: For no apparent reason, our cat started using our fireplace instead of her liter box. We put a couple of sheets of used aluminum foil on the floor of the fireplace -- which cats, dogs, and other animals can't stand -- to break her of that bad habit. Hang strips of used foil on strings around the garden to deter birds, deer and other unwanted pests, too.
Protect young plants: Make a collar out of used foil to fit loosely around the stems of young tomato plants and other plant starts in order to keep cutworms and other insects at bay.
Make metals shine: Scrub rust off of steel and chrome with a wad of aluminum foil instead of using steel wool -- it works even better. You can also use aluminum foil and simple household products like baking soda and salt to clean silver and gold, with the proper know-how.
Shim a table leg: Ball up some old foil for under the short leg of an uneven table to make it a level field once again.
Scrub grills and baked-on messes: A wad of used foil makes a great scouring pad for cleaning the gunk off BBQ grills and stuck-on food from pots, pans, and inside ovens.
Repair stripped threads: People often say that I have a screw loose. When I do have a nut, bolt or screw with stripped threads, I wrap a little aluminum foil around the bolt or screw and try gently tightening it again. A quick temporary fix.
And remember your 10th wedding anniversary: Lucky break for your wallet! Believe it or not, 10th wedding anniversaries are traditionally celebrated by exchanging gifts made of aluminum. What could be more romantic than a piece of homemade aluminum foil art?
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