On the Care2 website, Dr. Frank Lipman explains what a detox is, why the body needs it, and how to safely go about it. He says that detoxification is what our body does naturally to neutralize, transform or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins. This primary function of the body is constantly working and interacting with all other functions of the body.
Lipman says that we should think in terms of improving and optimizing the function of our body’s existing detoxification systems. This is done by decreasing the amount of toxins we put into our bodies while at the same time supporting our body’s detoxification and elimination systems with the nutrients it needs to function properly.

He reminds us that we are very aware of our external cleanliness — teeth brushing, bathing, hair washing, etc., all because we want to look and smell clean — it just makes us feel better. So this is how he looks at detoxification — as an internal cleansing.
The problem is that it’s often hard to know when our internal cleansing mechanisms are not functioning well. Unlike other parts of our body it is very hard to know how well our liver is working, and our liver is one of the main detoxification organs. It filters the blood of bacteria and toxins, chemically neutralizing toxins and converting them to substances that can be eliminated by the kidneys and synthesizing and secreting bile. Although the bulk of the work is done by the liver and the intestinal tract, the kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and skin are all involved in this complex detoxification system.
Considering that commercial detoxification programs cost big bucks, I went looking for simple things we could do, involving items found in our own homes (kitchens and bathrooms). Take a look what Care2 had to offer:
Baths are always a good way to detox because hot water draws toxins out of the body to the skin’s surface, and while the water cools it pulls toxins from the skin, according to Naturopath Dr. Hazel Parcells. Epsom salts augment this detoxification by causing you to sweat. Other salts—all highly alkaline and cleansing—used in baths include sea salt, baking soda, clay, and Dead Sea salts.
Basic Salt Soak Bath Formula
Minerals and salts make the bath water feel silky and leave your skin cleansed and soft

1 cup sea salts
2 cups baking soda
1 cup Epsom salts
1 to 2 tablespoons glycerin per bath
Combine the sea salts, baking soda, and Epsom salts in a bowl. Stir to blend. Pour 1/4 cup or so into the bath while the tub is filling. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons glycerin to keep your skin from drying out (more for dry skin, less for oily skin) and essential oils of choice.
Preparation time: 2 to 3 minutes
Shelf life: Indefinite
Storage: Glass jar with a screw top
Download this recipe.
Epsom Salts Soak

Nice hot water
2 C Epsom salts
10 drops lavender oil
Download this recipe.
Lemon Cleanser Tea
Enough freshly-boiled water to fill your teacup or mug

1 tablespoon real maple syrup
Freshly-squeezed juice of half a lemon
Cayenne pepper to taste (the hotter the better)
Simply stir ingredients together in your mug or cup. Be careful with the cayenne: A little goes a long way. Many folks speak highly of this cleansing drink for use as a long term cleanse (a week at a time, for instance).
Download this recipe.
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