Cookbook and Recipe Software Review |
Thanks Dan, After much research and several trial downloads (awful software), I discovered your web site, viewed your video, and knew that your program was the one I wanted. I am already creating a cookbook and adding recipes. A visit to your FAQ site was helpful. It's nice to know support via email or phone is close at hand when needed. I'm looking forward to the monthly newsletter.
Have a great weekend, Virginia
Hi Dan, I'm loving my Cook'n. It's revolutionized my participation in my family's dinners. My girls and I did our first grocery store run using our Cook'n shopping list. It was great! Now it's fun to use the stuff I bought for each recipe and I can actually make sure I have everything I need on hand! I know that sounds basic, but I've been ill for a year and have had to count on pre-prepared dinners, so we needed some home cooking!
Sincerely, Anne
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