Your Time to Cook
by Robert L. Blakeslee
NOTE: You must have Cook'n installed to use this download!
- Over 230 easy-to-prepare kitchen-tested recipes.
- Lots of full-color photos.
- A comprehensive A-to-Z glossary of basic cooking terms.
- Clear descriptions of essential cooking and baking techniques.
- Practical information on choosing and using kitchen tools, utensils, and appliances.
- Extensive food glossaries.
- Safe food-handling practices.
- Invaluable guidelines for buying, storing, and cooking various foods.
- Foolproof methods for testing the doneness of cooked foods.
- Handy charts for ingredient substitutions and lower-fat/calorie options.
- Taste-tempting menus for cocktail parties and four-course dinners.
- Fun and entertaining wedding facts and trivia throughout.
- New Cook'n Theme included
- Save time and money by using Cook'n
A First Cookbook For Newlyweds, Couples & Lovers
For some people, cooking a meal is as easy and effortless as a walk in the park. But for others, even frying an egg may seem like a hike up Mount Everest. Designed for everyone who feels clueless in the kitchen, Your Time to Cook is a true “first” cookbook, packed with important kitchen essentials and cooking fundamentals—as well as a collection of basic, easy-to-prepare recipes.
Kicking off the book is an introduction to kitchen gadgets and gizmos, essential guidelines for stocking the pantry, and a review of common cooking terms and food-preparation techniques. Hundreds of magnificent full-color photographs help make the information clear and accessible--whether it is a description of how to chop an onion, scramble an egg, cook the perfect steak, or brew the best cup of coffee. Over 230 foolproof recipes include everything from breakfast favorites and party appetizers to hearty soups, salads, veggie side dishes, pastas, and seafood, as well as chicken, beef, pork, and lamb dishes. There is also a dessert chapter that's packed with your favorite sweet treats. To ensure a perfect meal every time, photos accompany each recipe's step-by-step directions, while practical tips and "tricks" make sure that each meal is not only picture perfect, but also perfectly delicious.
Whether you are a newlywed struggling in your first kitchen, a single out on your own, or just someone who'd like to gain more culinary confidence, Your Time to Cook is a valuable reference--one that will become the cornerstone of your cooking experience. May it help make your kitchen a happy place where you share good food, good times, and good memories.
About The Author
Robert L. Blakeslee earned his bachelor's degree in fine arts at the California College of the Arts (CCA) in Northern California. He has been a college professor at the International Fine Arts College in Miami, Florida, and is an internationally published award-winning graphic designer, art director, and creative director, as well as a cookbook illustrator and photographer. Robert L. Blakeslee earned his bachelor's degree in fine arts at the California College of the Arts (CCA) in Northern California. He has been a college professor at the International Fine Arts College in Miami, Florida, and is an internationally published award-winning graphic designer, art director, and creative director, as well as a cookbook illustrator and photographer.
Recipe Included with this Cookbook:
- A Better Brew
- A Happy Kitchen
- A Trip Down the Baking Aisle
- Acorn Squash
- Ahi Tuna Burritos
- Alfredo Sauce
- All Bottled Up
- Almond-Poppyseed Muffins
- American Theme
- Apple-Blueberry-Walnut Pie
- Asparagus with Mustard Dressing
- Aye Yi Yi Chili Peppers
- Bad Boy Burritos
- Baked Beans
- Baked Brie en Croute
- Baked Cod
- Baked Polenta
- Baked Potatoes
- Baked Spaghetti
- Banana-Berry Smoothie
- Barbecue Night
- Basic Baking Techniques
- Basic Fruit Punch
- Basil 'n Cheese Twirlies
- BBQ Chicken
- BBQ Ribs
- Beans, Beans...The Musical Fruit
- Bearnaise Sauce
- Beef Stroganoff
- Before You Cook, Read This
- Berry Good Syrup
- Berry, Berry Nice
- Big Bird
- Black Bean Salsa
- Blue Cheese
- Bob's Kabobs
- Boiled Shrimp
- Boiling and Simmering
- Bread Pudding
- Broccoli Souffle
- Broth Basics
- Caesar Salad
- Can You Salsa?
- Candied Sweet Taters
- Candles and Centerpieces
- Careful With That Knife
- Carrot-Pineapple Cupcakes
- Cheese Omelet
- Chef Salad
- Chicken Caesar Salad Wrap
- Chicken Chow Mein
- Chicken Enchiladas
- Chicken Fajitas
- Chicken Paprikash
- Chicken Pasta Salad
- Chicken Tenders in Cream Sauce
- Chicken Tortilla Soup
- Choco Pudding
- Chocolate Almond Biscotti
- Chocolate Almond Torte
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Chocolate Cream Pie
- Chocolate Cream Puffs
- Chocolate Milkshake
- Choosing the Best Coffee Grind
- Chopping, Grating, and More
- Clam Dip
- Clam Sauce
- Club Sandwich
- Cocktail Sauce
- Coconut Curry Chowder
- Coconut Custard
- Cooking Pasta
- Cooking Terms from A to Z
- Cooking the Perfect Steak
- Corn On and Off the Cob
- Cornbread
- Cornbread Apple Sausage Stuffing
- Cranberry Bread
- Cranberry Sauce
- Cream Cheese Frosting
- Cream Sauce
- Creamy Tomato Soup
- Crustaceans and Mollusks
- Cutlets in Lemon Caper Sauce
- Cutting Up a Flippin Bird
- Deep Fried Mahi-Mahi
- Devilish Eggs
- Does This Smell Funny?
- Dressing It Up
- Easy Cheesy Chili Mac
- Easy Pot Roast
- Easy Roasted Chicken
- Egg-ceptional Egg Salad
- Eggs 'n Caviar
- Electric Gizmos
- Enjoy the Adventure
- Extra-Crispy Fried Chicken
- EZ Banana Bread
- EZ Eggs Benedict
- EZ Hollandaise Sauce
- Fantastic Fried Chicken
- Fire It Up!
- Fish Facts
- Fish Night
- Fish Tacos
- Flour Power
- Flower Power
- Fowl Play
- French Dip
- French Onion Soup
- French Theme
- Fried Rice
- Gadgets from A to Z
- Garlic Bread
- Gotta Have Food
- Gourmet Chicken Salad
- Gravy, Turkey!
- Greek Chicken
- Greek Night
- Greek Shrimp
- Greek Theme
- Greek-Style Lamb Stew
- Green Beans and Mushrooms
- Grilled Cheese
- Grilled PB&J
- Grilled Salmon
- Hasbrowns
- Have a Cup of Joe
- Have Your Cake...
- Hey Porky!
- Holey Waffles
- Holy Guacamole
- Home Fries
- Homemade Pie Crust
- Honey and the Moon
- Hot Chocolate
- Hot Christmas Punch
- Hot Dog!
- Hot Fudge Sundae
- How Do You Like Them Apples?
- How Do You Measure Up?
- How Do You Propose?
- How Many Apples In A...
- How Sweet It Is
- How To Buffet
- Huevos Rancheros
- Hummus
- Hungarian Fries
- I Love Onions So Much, They Make Me Cry!
- I Think That Potatoe Has Its Eyes on Me
- If You're Outta Dis
- In The Can
- Indian Chicken Curry
- It Cost How Much?
- Italian
- Italian Deli Sub
- Italian Night 1
- Italian Night 2
- Italian Theme
- Italian Vegetable Soup
- Killer Quesadillas
- King Crab with Butter Sauce
- Lentil Soup
- Let Us Eat Lettuce
- Let's Get Glassy
- Let's Get Saucy!
- Let's Go Shopping
- Let's Spice It Up!
- Let's Talk Lamb
- Lily Fold
- Lox and Bagel Plate
- Macaroni 'n Cheese
- Macho Nachos
- Makin' Bacon...
- Makin' Da Coffee
- Mama Mia! Atsa Lotta Pasta!
- Mama's Chicken Soup
- Mama's Lasagna
- Manicotti...You Stuff It!
- Maple-Glazed Ham
- Marinara Sauce
- Marinated Mushrooms
- Mashed Potatoes
- Me Gusta Tacos!
- Mediterranean-Style Pork Chops
- Meet Some Meat
- Menu for Burger Night
- Mexican Dip
- Mexican Fiesta 1
- Mexican Fiesta 2
- Mexican Theme
- Mexican Wedding Cakes
- Minestrone!
- Mini Pizzas
- Mixed-Up Salad
- More Food, Less Guilt
- More Weddings of the World
- Moroccan Chicken
- Mushroom 'n Onion Topping
- Mussels au Currie
- My Little Muffin Pan
- Napkin Magic
- Native and Tribal Wedding Customs
- Nirvana Meatloaf
- Nuit Francais
- Ole! Breakfast Burritos
- Omelet Variations
- OMG! Deli Reuben
- OMG! Refried Beans
- Opa! Greek Salad
- Open Up!
- Oven Fried Chicken
- Pan-Fried Loin Lamb Chops
- Pan-Fried Sole Almondine
- Pan-Fried Steak with Gravy
- Pancakes to Flip You Out
- Parmesan Couscous
- Pecan Pie
- Pepper Steak
- Perfect Lemonade
- Perfect Potater Salad
- Pesto
- Philly Cheesesteak
- Poached Eggs and Naked Boiled Eggs
- Portabella Pocket
- Potatoes au Gratin
- Potz 'n Panz
- Preparation Techniques
- Pumpkin Chiffon Cheesecake
- Ragin' Cocktail Parties
- Real Smoothie!
- Rice Is Nice...Especially With Some Spice
- Rice-otto
- Rich 'n Delicious Chocolate Cake
- Rich Chocolate Frosting
- Rites of Passage
- Roast Beef with New Potatoes
- Roasting Them Beans
- Rockin' Four-Course Dinners
- Rosemary Pork Loin
- Rowbear's Cordon Bleu
- Salmon Toast
- Salmon with Cilantro Sauce
- Sandwich Basics
- Sangria
- Sauteed Vegetable Medley
- Scrambled Eggs
- Serve It Up!
- Shark Kabobs
- She's a Real Tomato
- Shrimp Gumbo
- Shrimp Scampi
- Soft and Hard Boiled Eggs
- Something Fishy
- Soup Is Totally Hot!
- Sour Cream Ranch
- Spanish Rice
- Spice-Rubbed Baked Ribs
- Squash, Anyone?
- Steak Night 1
- Steak Night 2
- Stir-Fry Beef
- Stovetop Rice
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Stuff It!
- Stuffed Mushrooms
- Stuffed Pork Chops
- Sunny Side Up, Basted, and Eggs Over Easy
- Table for Two (Or More)
- Tartar Sauce
- Tea for Me
- The Frosting on the Cake
- The Perfect Cheeseburger
- The Skinny on Espresso
- The Super Silverware Napkin Roll
- The Wonderful World of Dating
- There's Some Fungus Among Us
- Thousand Island
- Throw the Rice
- Toast Francais
- Tomato Meat Sauce
- Tortellini with Roberto Sauce
- Triangle Fold
- Tropical Fruit Punch
- Tuna in a Salad?
- Tuna Melt
- Twice Baked Potatoes
- Upside Down Beef Tamale Pie
- Veg-o-Rama
- Veggie Dip
- Veggie Tempura
- Very Engaging
- Very Superstitious
- Vinaigrette
- Vodka Sauce
- Warm Spinach Salad
- Wedding and Cakes
- Wedding Potpourri
- Weddings of the World
- What Does That Mean?
- What's Cooking?
- What's Your Favorite Whine?
- Who Said That?
- Wine Serving Chart
- Yams 'n Apples
- Yorkshire Pudding
- You Don't Know Beans
- You Little Shrimp Salad
- You Silly Sausage
- You're Really Milking It!
- You're Wearing What, Where?
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