If you're anything like me, you love the extra touch and flavor fresh herbs add to the meals you make for your family
I'll also bet you have noticed the prices of common herbs climbing steadily like many other things we buy today.
But guess what? There's a solution that is inexpensive and easy to do.
Grow your own. It's very easy.
I don't mean going out and digging a garden in the backyard for growing herbs. Chances are if you are interested in gardening you are already growing your own herbs.
Did you know you can very easily grow your own herbs like parsley, basil, thyme, and many others in simple, small containers or planters right on your counter?
Or better yet, during the summer months, you can grow them right outside your kitchen door available for the picking when needed for your meals. Then as the weather cools you can bring them inside and extend the season even longer.

Just get a simple planter you like, (hanging planters work great), some prepared planter soil ("amended" is the buzzword), and some plants or seeds and you're on your way to fresh herbs without a trip to the grocery store.
Nothing beats fresh Basil on a bowl of pasta!
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