What happened when the snowgirl fell out with the snowboy?
She gave him the cold shoulder!
What do snowmen wear on their heads?
Ice caps!
What do snowmen eat for lunch?
Where do snowmen go to dance?
How do snowmen travel around?
By iceicle!
What sort of ball doesn't bounce?
A snowball!
How do you know when there is a snowman in your bed?
You wake up wet!
What do you get if cross a snowman and a shark?
Frost bite!
How do you call an Eskimo cow?
An Eskimoo!
Mum, Can I have a dog for Christmas?
No you can have turkey like everyone else!
What did the big cracker say to the little cracker?
My pop is bigger than yours!
Who is never hungry at Christmas?
The turkey - he's always stuffed!
What bird has wings but cannot fly?
Roast turkey!
Whats the best thing to put into a Christmas cake?
Your teeth!
Whats happens if you eat the Christmas decorations?
You get tinsel-itus!
Santa's Jokes

Question: What's red and white and gives presents to good little fish on Christmas?
Answer: Sandy Claws.
Question: Why does Santa have 3 gardens?
So he can ho-ho-ho.
Question: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
Answer: Frostbite.
Question: Why was Santa's little helper depressed?
Because he had low elf esteem.
Question: What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper?
Answer: Ribbon hood.
Question: What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus?
Answer: Claustrophobic.
Question: What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Answer: Snowflakes.