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I have spent the last 2 hours reading your newsletter and wonderful recipes. I have already printed a whole bunch I want to try. I love them because they are using ingredients one has on hand. I love that and just wanted you to know how much we appreciate all your hard work in putting together this newsletter. Thank you very much.


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       Volume I - October 23, 2009

H1N1: Practical Prevention
by Patty Liston

I was getting ready to dig into information regarding swine flu when I came across this excellent article by Kellene Bishop of Preparedness Pro. I have been a fan of hers for some time as I study home, food, sanitation, and health preparedness. There is quite a bit of information regarding H1N1�truth, hysteria and common sense. I do believe that this article falls in the latter category. This is a good read with great ideas that one can use NOW. Let�s help to keep each other healthy AND safe this winter season!


I keep the essential oil, Thieves, on hand to use in a variety of situations. The history of this oil goes back to the bubonic plague of 1413 and involves four robbers who were caught stealing from the dead and dying. The judge declared he would grant these men leniency if they told him their secret of staying safe while working in highly contagious places. The robbers were spice traders and perfumers who had concocted this potion � and gave away the secret.

Weber State University in Utah did a study on Thieves and found a 99.96% success rate against airborne bacteria.

By Kellene Bishop

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #1: First of all, don�t waste all of your money on the N95 respirator masks. Yes, they are a great quality. So are my expensive clogging shoes. But they will not do much to prevent me from getting sick. The N95 respirator masks are constructed to filter 95% of particulate that are 0.3�, but the primary size of the H1N1 virus is 0.1�, so they will pass through. The masks are good for other viruses that may result as a complication of the H1N1. But they will do very little to prevent you from getting H1N1 in the first place.

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #2: H1N1 is transferred from one person to another via the nose and the mouth. It is only able to compound and grow (proliferate) in the upper respiratory system. So if you are going to take some preventative measures now (which I recommend you do), take actions that help the upper respiratory system such as a nasal saline rinse (they work wonders, I�m telling you!), or warm liquids, and the diffusing of some great essential oils such as Thieves. These are ideal preventative measures.

Upper Respiratory System photo c/o

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #3: It�s virtually impossible for you NOT to come in contact with the H1N1. Contact with the virus won�t hurt you. But allowing the virus to proliferate in your upper respiratory system is what can be dangerous. Keeping your upper respiratory system clean and healthy so as not to provide an ideal environment for the proliferation of the flu virus is your best bet. The virus will only last in your system for about 2 weeks according to its natural cycle. So be diligent in your preventative measures so that you never give the virus a 2 week span in which it can grow to aggravate symptoms, get others ill, etc.

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #4: Tamiflu does NOT kill the H1N1 virus. It is merely distributed to subdue the proliferation of the virus in the body. (Kind of like smothering a fire which doesn�t always work, depending on how the smothering agent is applied.) If Tamiflu is effective in the body for the 2 week duration, then you�ll notice very little illness and symptoms. Considering you are nearly guaranteed that you will have contact with the virus and that it�s not likely that you will �kill� it, it�s very important that you do everything you can not to encourage the virus� growth. In addition to the aforementioned preventative measures, there are some other, relatively simple ways to defend yourself against the impact of this virus � without taking chances on chemical solutions.

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #5: While it may sound a bit too simplistic, be sure to wash your hands a LOT! I wash mine nearly 3 times more daily than I used to in an essential oil base, such as Thieves. I also carry a little spray bottle of Thieves essential oil with me and spray down questionable surfaces as well as my hands when I�m out and about.

Gargle Salt Water. Photo c/o Photographic Advertising Limited

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #6: While most people only associate gargling salt water as what they do when they are sick, I suggest that you do it twice a day now. If you don�t care for salt water, then spray some Thieves oil in your mouth twice a day as a preventative measure. Bacteria and viruses simply cannot multiply in a salty environment. Don�t underestimate this. I�ve felt like I�ve been fighting something for a couple of weeks. So I�ve been faithful about taking more immune system builders, drinking my green drink, and spraying my throat twice daily.

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #7: PLEASE keep your hands off of your face. When you touch your face, just picture you giving a �helping hand� to those little mongrel viruses right to your nose and mouth. Before applying makeup, be sure you�ve cleaned your hands. Moms, whatever you do, don�t do that licking of the finger to get a smudge or an errant hair under control. When you handle the drool of a little one, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #8: If you�re eating out, don�t TRUST that the table has been cleaned properly. Bring a sani-wipe with you and use it on the table. Be sure that you sanitize your hands before bringing food to your mouth either by utensils or by hand.

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #9: When you use a tissue, be sure to use it once and then throw it away. If you reuse it (out of a need to conserve � I get it) you could be giving the virus a lift to your mouth and nose again.

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #10: OK. Here�s another bit you should know. Try to avoid contact with those who have had the vaccination in the last 2 weeks as much as you would avoid someone who has the flu. The vaccination does carry a smidge of the actual virus in it. Whether or not it�s able to proliferate within its host body doesn�t mean that it can�t do so in your body.

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #11: Also get as much Vitamin D3 as you can. Conscientiously make yourself walk outside in the sun to absorb as much of it as possible. Have your kids do the same. Supplementing 5,000 IUs per day per adult and 2,000 IUs per day for children is a sound preventative measure. Vitamin D3 is a known immune regulator. (Isn�t that great how God has provided us with something like this for FREE?!) Remember, D3, not the common stuff you find stale on the pharmacy shelves. If you take a calcium supplement as well, you�ll dramatically improve the absorption of the Vitamin D3, as does zinc. Other health professionals have recommend taking 1,000 IUs of Vitamin C daily as well as a good source for multi-vitamin, including selenium. (Selenium is an anti-viral and an anti-inflammatory.)

Practical H1N1 Prevention Tidbit #12: Last but not least, try to avoid sugar, which suppresses the full functions of your immune system. Also avoid the less healthy oils such as corn, safflower, peanut, and soybean as they too suppress the immune system. Instead use grapeseed (which has a VERY long shelf-life) sesame, and cold pressed coconut oil if possible.

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