In case you missed Dr. Nancy Snyderman on the Today show, I wanted to share with you some important—and interesting—information regarding aspirin. First of all, did you know that aspirin was the first medication to be put in pill form and that it is the oldest medication known to man? Most of us know the value of taking an aspirin, as a preventative measure against heart attacks and strokes but I learned the why’s and wherefore’s as well.

One aspirin a day, either a 325 milligram or the low dose 81 milligram, can decrease the chance of a first heart attack by 30%. One of the major problems of heart attacks is the blood clots that may form which can cause death. Aspirin keeps the blood platelets from getting “sticky” and forming those clots. I keep aspirin in my office, home and in my purse. Should anyone around me suffer from an attack the protocol is to
FIRST call 911. Then, have the patient
CHEW 2 aspirin. The chewing gets the aspirin into the system immediately.
CAUTION: Do not give aspirin to anyone who is suffering a stroke as the aspirin will thin the blood too much.
DO’s and DON’TS
DO check with your doctor before going on an aspirin regimen
DO take aspirin, with your doctor’s permission, if you have had a heart attack, a stroke caused by a blood clot, or have a high risk for cardio vascular disease
DON’T take aspirin if you are pregnant
DON’T give aspirin to a child
DON’T take aspirin if you have a bleeding disorder
DON’T take aspirin if you are taking other blood thinners
Dr. Snyderman suggested buying the cheapest, most generic brand of aspirin. The reason for this is because the cheap aspirin breaks up more easily in warm water. Cheap AND healthy! How great is that?!
Now, what did I mean about aspirin for batteries? Well, try out these “recipes” the next time one of the following problems arises in your home.
Dead Battery: Put 2 aspirin into the battery. This may give you just enough sparks to get you to a garage or home.
Bug Bite or Pimples: Crush 1-2 aspirin into just enough water to make a paste. Put on the bite or blemish. Inflammation will go down, and so will the pain.
Fresh Flowers: Depending on the size of the bouquet, put 1-2 aspirin the vase. This will give your flowers a much longer life, and you more time to enjoy them!
Stains on Shirts: Dissolve 2 aspirin into WARM water and blot on the stain.