When I get a headache, I know that it may be due to one, if not several, reasons; stress, exhaustion, dehydration, and/or not eating appropriately. Hint, too much sugar! While 2 good headache aspirin, along with the yoga deep-breathing that I still remember, I can be good to go in a short amount of time. However, I came across this information regarding headaches and cheese which I am going to add to my mental “first aid” kit. I thought I would share this information with you. Here’s to clear heads!
According to WebMD, "aged cheese, such as blue cheese, brie, cheddar, feta, mozzarella, parmesan and Swiss, contain a substance called tyramine. This notorious headache trigger is also found in some processed meats and beverages."
If you get headaches frequently, experts say to keep a food journal to see what's causing them.