8 Unique Tips to Help You Lose Weight!

It’s that time of year again – when we all decide we are going to do better and that this will be the year when we finally reach our weight loss goals! Unfortunately, I think many of those goals have gone down the kitchen sink along with the leftover crumbs from the cake we just ate by February. I am always so impressed with people who make weight-loss goals and stick with it! It’s no easy task, and I think it really shows self-mastery and discipline when someone is able to reach their weight-loss goals.

As I’ve talked to people and done some research, here are some tips I have found to really help maximize your weight loss plan:

Make SMART goals. Back in the day when I taught Special Education, we had to write our students’ goals in a very particular way: they had to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Sensitive. Apply this to your health goals for ultimate success:)!

Take before and after pictures. This can seem so awkward, but nothing seems to be more motivating than when we see a picture of ourselves:). And it would be so fun to compare the pictures and see the progress you’ve made!

Take measurements. I feel like this is even more important than the pictures. Sometimes the camera adds pounds, and it’s hard to see small differences; but if you measure you can have some hard evidence to back up all the hard work you’ve been doing! And muscle weighs more than fat- so even though the scale might not be going down, the inches will be! (I speak from personal experience- you want to measure!)

Collect inspiring quotes and pictures. Create a collage or put them in a folder. Pictures can be so inspiring and can help us remember why we are doing what we are doing: whether it’s a picture of someone running a marathon or a grandmother playing with her grandkids, collect pictures and quotes that inspire you to keep going and remind you of all the reasons you are trying to keep your health goals.

Write a list. It’s easier to turn down that cookie when you remember why you are doing it, and keeping a list is a great way to do this. Write down every reason you want to keep a health plan. It could range from wanting to feel good about yourself physically to wanting to avoid heart disease to wanting to grow old with your spouse and be able to live life to the fullest! Eating well and exercising have so many benefits, and it’s easier to stick to these if you remember what those benefits are!

Buddy up. Everything is easier and more fun when you have a friend to do it with you! Whether it’s your spouse, sister, or neighbor, find someone that shares similar goals with you. It will help you stay accountable to someone, and chances are you’ll be able to encourage each other through those difficult stretches.

Do something different. If you usually exercise at home, try going to the gym or running outside. If you tend to be a gym-goer, try doing something in the mountains or at home. Sometimes switching it up can make things more fun, and it keeps your body guessing so you’ll be burning more calories!

Love yourself. This is the most important! While it’s good to have goals and to want to be healthier, we should never degrade ourselves or think lower of ourselves because of the way we look. If we aren’t happy with who we are now, than nothing we change about our looks can really help that. Love your body for the amazing creation that it is, and treat it with respect. You’ll actually be able to stay better motivated and can enjoy the process more!

I know this only scratches the surface of tips and tricks for those who have weight-loss goals. What other advice would you add? Share in the comments below!

  •   https://www.freckled-fox.com/2014/01/20-tips-for-starting-successful-fitness.html
  •   https://www.lakecountymilers.com/photos/napa-valley-marathon-2014/
  •   https://www.manitobahealthyliving.ca/measuring-your-waist
  •   https://happyandraw.com/vision-boards-making-miracles-happen/

    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! camille@dvo.com

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