Christmas Eve Traditions with a Giveaway!

This year is kind of a milestone for my little family. It’s the last Christmas that we will be packing everything up and having Christmas at one of our parent’s homes. We are happy to announce that child number 4 will be joining us in July of next year :), and with that, we’ve decided it’s time to break off and have our own little Christmas in our home next year. I have such mixed feelings! It makes me sad to think that I will never spend Christmas Eve night in my parents home again (or in the home of my in-laws), but I am so excited to start my own traditions with my little family!
One of the hardest things about breaking off is realizing that we need to establish OUR family’s tradition. We come from two very different families, and our traditions are so different! My husband’s family is German, so all the celebrating happens on Christmas Eve. We begin with a special finger food dinner- lil’ Smokies, cheese and crackers, bacon wrapped asparagus, etc. We have a Christmas Eve program where everyone sings a song or reads a poem or contributes in some way, all of which commemorates the Savior’s birth. Once the program is complete, we all open presents from Santa and exchange gifts. The next morning, Santa leaves a simple stocking at the foot of everyone’s bed, and Christmas day is spent playing games and enjoying each other’s company.
My family does things a little differently. On Christmas Eve, everyone plays games and eats homemade candies that my mom puts out on a special plate. That night, everyone feasts on homemade pizza, afterwhich all the kids open their homemade Christmas pajamas. Once everyone has changed, we sing carols around the piano, and everyone goes to bed (well, except Santa’s helpers ;) ). The next morning Santa has left everyone’s stockings and gifts unwrapped and set out next to their stockings in the main family room, so everyone runs out together to enjoy their gifts. The day is spent exchanging gifts and opening presents, with dinner consisting of simple sandwiches; and the evening is spent reading Luke 2 and acting out the Nativity.
As you can see, both traditions are so different, but I love them both! I love the Christmas program that we have at my in-laws, and I love that there is so much time to spend playing games together and enjoying each other’s company. I also love the magic of Christmas morning at my parents’, the homemade pizza, and the sweet singing of hymns before going to bed. My husband and I will probably take a little from each of our families, and mesh them to become our own special tradition.
With that said, I would LOVE to hear what your families do on Christmas Eve and Christmas! Do you have a special dinner or program? When do you open gifts and stockings? I’d love to hear all about it, especially since we are looking to build our own traditions! And since it’s Christmas, I thought I’d give a little something away too ;). For a chance to win a cookbook, tell me what your family’s Christmas tradition is in the comments below! I want to hear all about it :).
Whatever your family’s Christmas Eve and Christmas Day may look like, I truly hope it is magical and full of hope and love. May we all have a Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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