Healthy Snacks You Can Keep at Your Desk
There are many reasons why it is wise to come prepared to work with healthy snacks to get you through the day. For one thing, you won’t have to be tempted to give in to unhealthy vending machine or convenience store junk food. You need some healthy food to give you a burst of energy without the crash you might get from a Redbull or something.
Even I, as a stay at home mom, like to have healthy, convenient snacks on hand so I’m reaching for those instead of Goldfish crackers or gummy fruit snacks. Here are some good ideas for healthy snacks that are filling, portable and healthy.

Seeds are a great portable snack that are not messy, easy to store and quiet. Some favorites are pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
Plain Oatmeal Packets
Stash an oatmeal packet in your drawer for a quick, filling meal. Heat it up in the microwave with water and a dash of cinnamon, which is especially great for a cold-weather snack.

Raw Nuts
Raw nuts like almonds or cashews deliver a great protein and fat combo which will satiate you for longer.
Dried Fruit
Dried fruit can satisfy a mid-afternoon sweet tooth while filling you up with fiber. Mix a few pieces of dried apricots or dates paired with raw nuts for a dose of healthy fat, too. Just try to eat these in moderation to avoid over-doing it on the sugar.

Nut Butter
Nut butters like almond butter and peanut butter make for versatile desk snacks. You can pair it with an apple or banana or can add it to a whole grain cracker like a Triscuit.
Healthy Crackers
There are a lot of crackers that are certainly not healthy at all, but there are plenty that are and can be paired with hummus, nut butter, or cheese. Opt for ones with a lot of fiber and not packed with sodium.
Low-Sodium Jerky
Jerky is of course great for a quick fix of protein, just try to opt for one that is not loaded with sodium.
A low-sugar granola or cereal is a great dry snack—just make sure you portion it out, since calories can add up quickly if you’re mindlessly grabbing from the bag.
Tuna Pouches
Another great protein option is a personal-sized tuna pouch. They’re filled with protein and lots of healthy Omega 3s. Opt for one that is water-packed so it doesn’t need draining at all.

Whole Food Granola Bars
There is not doubt that granola bars are really convenient but just remember they are not all created equal. Choose one that has few ingredients and is made with whole foods. Kind bars, Quest bars and Larabars are really great options.
DIY Trail Mix
Can’t decide between these snack options? Toss several of them together (like dried fruits, seeds, nuts and even dark chocolate chips) into a DIY trail mix and portion it into quarter-cup serving sizes.
Do you have any other easy, healthy snack options that don’t have to be refrigerated you love? Feel free to share the wisdom in the comments below!
Mary Richardson
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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