These Cakes Are MESMERIZINGLY Beautiful!
I am not a professional baker by any means, but I do like trying to create beautiful and tasty things! The other day I stumbled on a video that had me MESMERIZED. Have you ever heard of mirror glaze cakes?

These cakes look amazing. They are topped with a glaze made from sweetened condensed milk, white chocolate, and gelatin! I could go on and on to describe how cool these cakes look- but trust me, you just need to see them for yourself!
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a video that’s more mesmerizing! They look so beautiful- I almost wouldn’t want to eat them! But then I remember that combination of sweetened condensed milk and white chocolate, and suddenly I’m ok with cutting into such a beautiful cake ;). I’ve never personally made one of these special mirror glazed cakes, but you can bet it’s now a bucket list item for me!

If you’re wanting to try your hand at a mirror glaze cake, here is a recipe that seems especially delicious (brownie AND chocolate mousse AND the sweet white chocolate mirror glaze!). She gives a lot of tips and makes the mirror glazed part sound so easy! I’m definitely going to be giving these a try!

I’ve heard mixed reviews on the taste of these works of art. Some people say they like the taste better than regular frosting, some prefer your typical buttercream, and for others, mirror glaze is just too sweet! I guess you won’t know until you try it, right?

Some basic tips for beginners-
*Use a silicone mold for your cake. You need an absolutely smooth surface for the glaze to work best, and the silicone mold makes it easy to fold your cake out perfectly.
*With that said, it’s easiest to coat your cake in something like chocolate mousse and then let it freeze before pouring the mirror glaze- it will stick much better to frozen mousse than to warm, crumbly cake ;).
*If your glaze gets too thick before you’re done, simply warm it up with a blow dryer!
*Save all the extra glaze that runs off the cake- you can just reheat it and use for a future cake!

There is something so satisfying about these cakes- and if nothing else I love seeing how talented people can be! And how can you not enjoy looking at these beautiful works of art?

Have you ever tried your hand at a mirror glaze cake? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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