Watermelon. When you hear the word, don’t you immediately think of “summer!”? Its juicy and sweet satisfying goodness are just a few reasons it’s been dubbed “the designated taste of summer.”

Besides tasting incredible, are you aware it’s in the top 10 of healthiest foods available? Consider, for instance:
It is LOADED with antioxidants (Vitamin C and lycopene)
It is powerful protection against diabetes
It is water (so it rehydrates you quickly) and L-citrulline (the recovery amino acid—achy after a workout? Just eat some watermelon.)
It is heart-healthy (due to its high lycopene content, which reduces cholesterol)
It protects against asthma attacks (higher levels of vitamin C are tied to a reduction in asthma symptoms)
It helps with weight loss (its texture is almost like that of a dessert that melts in your mouth; slice it and present it just like a piece of cake or pie; it satisfies emotional as well as physical cravings; it’s mostly water, combined with fiber content, which is filling and satisfying)
It is rich in potassium (which helps to regulate nerve function and helps the heart)
It eradicates inflammation (due to its high content of the amino acid L-arginine and L-citrulline)
It helps balance your pH (it’s alkaline, which helps neutralize acidic components in the diet)
It helps prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke (due to its high water and electrolyte content)
It reduces risk of developing periodontal disease
It helps with digestion (again, due to its high water and fiber content)
It’s good for the kidneys (due to its two main toxin-fighting nutrients, calcium and potassium

And don’t you love how it’s perfect, just as it is? But then, it’s also so compatible with other textures and flavors. We love blending it as the base for our morning smoothies. When we use watermelon, we don’t need to add any water at all.
Another favorite watermelon treat at our house is to combine chunks into honey and vanilla yogurt. We add our favorite granola to this mix, and voila! You have an incredible breakfast dish.
Do you have a favorite way to serve watermelon? We’d love to hear about it. Meanwhile, here’s a wonderful recipe that combines watermelon and raspberries (or strawberries) to create an ice-cold glass of a refreshing drink that can heal, soothe, and refresh! Make this deliciousness and let’s all toast to the designated taste of summer!

WATERMELON and BERRY FRESCA (Yield: approximately 5 cups)
1½ pounds diced seedless or seeded watermelon (without rind), approximately 4-5 cups
1 pint fresh, rinsed raspberries (strawberries work well also)
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon sugar, optional
4 ice cubes
Place all ingredients into a high-powered blender (Vitamix or Blendtec, for example), and blend until smooth. Adjust ingredients to taste.
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Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
Email the author! alice@dvo.com