The Story of A Boy and His Chickens
I think we could all use a story, right? Grab a cup of something comforting and let’s begin our story…..

Once upon a time there was a boy who LOVED animals. He was also a dreamer, and one of his many dreams was to have his very own chickens. He begged his parents and tried to show them all the benefits chickens could bring; but his mom, who has a very sensitive and tender heart, told him no. She couldn’t handle the sadness if something happened to one of the chickens, and so the boy dreamed of the day he would live in his own home, and could finally get his very own chickens.
The boy grew up, and like many other boys, fell in love. He married the girl of his dreams, his high school sweetheart. They were best friends- and they loved each other very much. The boy and the girl started their family, and continued to grow closer as their family grew.
When the boy and the girl had been married for 8 years, the boy decided it was finally time to get his chickens! Unfortunately, the girl really didn’t want chickens. She was 7 months pregnant with baby number 5, and was tired and grumpy ;). The boy insisted, assuring the girl that he would do everything- she wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. He would build a coop, he would buy the feed and fill it every morning, and he would have their children help take on the responsibilities as well- refilling the feeder, the water, fetching the eggs, and all the things that are involved in caring for chickens.
Well, the girl felt like a nervous wreck because of her pregnant hormones, but she loved the boy very much. So despite her tears and fears, she told the boy to go buy his chickens.

The girl had not seen the boy so happy for such a long time. He was so tender with those little chicks, and built a big coop in the backyard. Their children also loved the chickens, and they treated them as their adored little pets- building little homes for them from whatever they could find in the backyard, snuggling them, kissing them (much to their mother’s horror), and naming them- multiple times.
The girl was apprehensive at first, especially when they brought their new baby home from the NICU. She had always been a little germaphobic, and so she really had to calm her anxieties and fears- but she made it work. She made sure the children always washed their hands with soap after handling the chickens. She made them change their clothes if they had held them and snuggled them, especially if they wanted to hold their baby brother.
And wouldn’t you know? The girl actually started to enjoy the chickens too. She thought they were fun to watch- realizing that even chickens have personalities and quirks. She loved that they caught mice and bugs from the backyard- they even weeded by pulling out the weeds in the dirt in search of bugs! She loved the eggs that they provided- with a family of 7, one dozen eggs from the store doesn’t go very far, and so having so many free eggs was definitely a blessing!

But most of all, she loved the joy those chickens brought to her family. Everyone needs something to care for, and just as she found so much joy caring for her baby, her children (and husband!) found joy in caring for their chickens.
It’s been more than a year since that boy and girl got those chickens. They have been especially grateful because with the uncertain times, and grocery shortages, they have not had to worry about eggs- there have been plenty, for all the scrambled eggs, baking, and Easter egg needs they have had. The girl has decided that the chickens have actually been a huge blessing. She might even have fed them once or twice herself ;).

There’s probably more than one moral to the story. Animals are a lot of work- but they can also bring so much joy. Families are all about giving and sacrificing for one another.
And chickens are creepy, funny- and definitely worth it if you’re up for the challenge ;).

Once upon a time there was a boy who LOVED animals. He was also a dreamer, and one of his many dreams was to have his very own chickens. He begged his parents and tried to show them all the benefits chickens could bring; but his mom, who has a very sensitive and tender heart, told him no. She couldn’t handle the sadness if something happened to one of the chickens, and so the boy dreamed of the day he would live in his own home, and could finally get his very own chickens.
The boy grew up, and like many other boys, fell in love. He married the girl of his dreams, his high school sweetheart. They were best friends- and they loved each other very much. The boy and the girl started their family, and continued to grow closer as their family grew.
When the boy and the girl had been married for 8 years, the boy decided it was finally time to get his chickens! Unfortunately, the girl really didn’t want chickens. She was 7 months pregnant with baby number 5, and was tired and grumpy ;). The boy insisted, assuring the girl that he would do everything- she wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. He would build a coop, he would buy the feed and fill it every morning, and he would have their children help take on the responsibilities as well- refilling the feeder, the water, fetching the eggs, and all the things that are involved in caring for chickens.
Well, the girl felt like a nervous wreck because of her pregnant hormones, but she loved the boy very much. So despite her tears and fears, she told the boy to go buy his chickens.

The girl had not seen the boy so happy for such a long time. He was so tender with those little chicks, and built a big coop in the backyard. Their children also loved the chickens, and they treated them as their adored little pets- building little homes for them from whatever they could find in the backyard, snuggling them, kissing them (much to their mother’s horror), and naming them- multiple times.
The girl was apprehensive at first, especially when they brought their new baby home from the NICU. She had always been a little germaphobic, and so she really had to calm her anxieties and fears- but she made it work. She made sure the children always washed their hands with soap after handling the chickens. She made them change their clothes if they had held them and snuggled them, especially if they wanted to hold their baby brother.
And wouldn’t you know? The girl actually started to enjoy the chickens too. She thought they were fun to watch- realizing that even chickens have personalities and quirks. She loved that they caught mice and bugs from the backyard- they even weeded by pulling out the weeds in the dirt in search of bugs! She loved the eggs that they provided- with a family of 7, one dozen eggs from the store doesn’t go very far, and so having so many free eggs was definitely a blessing!
But most of all, she loved the joy those chickens brought to her family. Everyone needs something to care for, and just as she found so much joy caring for her baby, her children (and husband!) found joy in caring for their chickens.
It’s been more than a year since that boy and girl got those chickens. They have been especially grateful because with the uncertain times, and grocery shortages, they have not had to worry about eggs- there have been plenty, for all the scrambled eggs, baking, and Easter egg needs they have had. The girl has decided that the chickens have actually been a huge blessing. She might even have fed them once or twice herself ;).

There’s probably more than one moral to the story. Animals are a lot of work- but they can also bring so much joy. Families are all about giving and sacrificing for one another.
And chickens are creepy, funny- and definitely worth it if you’re up for the challenge ;).
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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