Are You A Fan of Delicious Flavor?

Are any of our readers fellow Psych-os?????
To clarify.
Are you a fan of laughing at hilarity? Are you a fan of delicious flavor? Are you a fan of the TV show Psych?
If yes, then read on! If not, you can still read on because there’s some cute stuff my sister put together ;).
Wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit……….
Back in 2012, my family introduced my husband and I to what has become one of our absolute favorite TV shows- Psych. We also had a brand new baby, so we spent many nights snuggling with our newborn while binging this beloved show of ours with my parents and siblings- and it’s become very much a family affair. We quote it to each other constantly, pineapples have found their way into all our Christmas games, and more recently, we threw a full-on Psych party in honor of the new Psych movie that was released on July 15.
If you are unfamiliar with Psych, the premise is this: a guy named Shawn Spencer has spectacular observation skills, and pretends to be a psychic while helping the Santa Barbara police solve crimes. He and his best friend Burton Guster (Gus) work together, and overall this show is just hilarious! The relationship between Shawn and Gus is my absolute favorite, and the crime aspect is fun as well. We have gone back to this show several times over the years, and I always laugh out loud. It’s definitely one of my top 2 favorite shows of all time.
The other fun little tidbit about this show- there is a pineapple in every episode (or some kind of reference). Sometimes it’s more obvious than others, but it’s always fun to try to find the pineapple reference in each episode! They can be quite subtle and creative!

Knowing a little of the background, hopefully you can appreciate some of the fun things you see here. For our party, we decked out in pineapples! We had pineapples taped up everywhere, and my cute 13 year old sister put her art skills to work and decorated a food truck, donut poster, and pineapple tablecloth.

We had some fun foods in reference to specific episodes (like cloud candy and powdered donuts), and we tried to incorporate pineapple wherever we could!

The Psych logo is a pineapple on a green background, so I put together the fun board you saw at the beginning of the article. The snickers was just another fun reference to one of the episodes:).
And my mom made these adorable sugar cookie bars! How cute are these??

This night was such a blast. It was so fun trying to think of creative ways to incorporate the show into the food and decorations! And of course, we definitely enjoyed eating all these tasty foods while watching the new Psych movie!

You may not like Psych, and that’s ok! You can have so much fun hosting a party based on YOUR favorite TV show or movie. It really takes some creativity, and that’s half the fun!
Are you a fan of Psych? If you threw a party based off your favorite TV show, what would it be, and what are some things you would make? I’d love to hear your ideas! Please share them below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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