You’ve Never Seen Pictures Like These!

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, somebody comes along with some amazing and random talent. I recently came across the work of a man named Tatsuya Tanaka. He is a photographer/artist from Japan. Everyday since 2011 he has posted a picture of his unique photography. What makes his photographs so innovative is the content- little figurines that he poses next to everyday things, and his creativity is spectacular! He repurposes everyday items, and you see things in a whole new perspective. Some are adorable and some make you laugh out loud at the sheer genius. It really is so much fun to look through!

These pictures just speak for themselves:

This is just a small handful of his work- you can check out the links below or find him on Instagram to see even more!

I seriously love the creativity. Maybe you’ll look at your dinner plate a little differently tonight! Which picture was your favorite? Share with us in the comments below!


    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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