What Brings You Delight?

I’ve been reading a fascinating book this month: The Power of Fun by Catherine Price.The premise is that fun (defined as playful, connected flow) is actually something that we don’t experience often enough, and it has so many benefits, both mentally and physically.

As I’ve been reading I’ve been reflecting on how much fun I have in my life, and what are some things I can do to invite even more fun in my day-to-day life. One suggestion the author had to help us find happy situations is to look for things that bring us delight. They don’t have to be huge, grand things- something simple, like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.
The point is that as we get better at consciously pointing out to ourselves the things (both big and small) that bring us delight, the more easily we will see the things that bring us delight. If we’re always looking for the negative, we’ll find it. Conversely, when we’re constantly seeking the positive, delightful things- we’ll find them. She even suggests putting your finger up in the air and exclaiming “Delight!” when you notice something that does bring you delight. My 6 year old and I had so much fun doing this the other day. You really will feel cheerful after this exercise!
While there are many things that can bring us sheer delight, obviously if you’re here then you understand that food is definitely a source of joy! I thought I would share some of the things that make me gleeful and bring me delight:
- A perfectly ripe cantaloupe!
- Trying a new recipe- and it works out perfectly!
- Decorating a layer cake. It’s a hobby I began pursuing more fully a couple years ago, and I just love it!
- And speaking of cake, when you take the perfect bite- the perfect ratio of cake, buttercream, and delicious filling.
- A freshly cleaned sink with clutter-free counters. An absolute delight!
- Honeycrisp apples- the perfect apple, in my humble opinion.
- Homemade chocolate chip cookies. They’re hard to beat!
- Planning food to go with a theme. Disney nights, bridal showers, snacks and treats based on books or favorite movies- I love creating art with food!
- Butter on freshly toasted white bread. Delight!!
- A freshly swept floor.
- A serving of sweet pork nachos from Costa Vida. It just doesn’t get old!
- Putting together eye-pleasing platters. Whether there’s a fun theme or it’s just a conglomeration of items placed aesthetically, it brings me so much joy!
- When the leftover food fits perfectly in the Tupperware you grabbed (it just makes you feel so competent, doesn’t it? I find delight in that).
- The smell of freshly baked bread. (Especially if you can then pair it with a serving of homemade jam!!)
- Cooking with my husband. I love spending time with him, and there’s something particularly delightful about creating food together.
- A perfectly toasted marshmallow!
- A vase of fresh flowers on my kitchen table.

- https://www.flickr.com/photos/joeyz51/49195118626
- https://www.amazon.com/Power-Fun-Feel-Alive-Again/dp/0593241401/ref=asc_df_0593241401/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=519541282464&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18092655328735229827&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029704&hvtargid=pla-1291262433559&psc=1
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
Email the author! camille@dvo.com