Silly Food Videos To Give You A Laugh!

Sometimes we just need a laugh, and while I’m enjoying sunny California, I know a lot of my friends and family in Utah are battling an eternal winter! Whether you’re down because of the weather, or just enjoy a good laugh, here are a couple food videos that make me giggle that I thought I’d share with you!

This first one cracks me up- the woman wearing the pot lid just looks silly and I can’t help but giggle- but then her husband’s face when he sees also makes me laugh! It’s not a bad idea though… I wonder how effective it is? Click here to see the video.

This one makes me laugh because I think we’ve all been here! Eating well can be hard sometimes, especially when you “accidentally” slip up! His dedication to this bit is stellar.

Dogs are hilarious. And this video just makes me giggle each time I watch it. We all know what you were doing, puppy ;). Too clever ;).

This video makes me laugh every time. This grandma deserves an award for patience! And the little boy is just adorable and makes me laugh with how impatient he is! Cooking with kids is always an adventure, that’s for sure!

Hopefully these videos gave you a giggle!

    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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