The Adrenals: Since We Can’t Pick Up Another Set at the Mall, Let’s Take Care of ‘Em!

We read a lot about stress these days, how it harms the body and saps life out of life. The harm and life-sapping happens because stress is especially hard on the adrenal glands. Chronic stress wears them out. Science says how well we live depends heavily on how well these glands function. They’re responsible for energy, endurance, and vitality.

Here are the symptoms of worn-out adrenals:

  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Lower back pain and/or knee weakness or pain, especially on the side
  • Excessive sweating or perspiration with little activity
  • Dizziness
  • Low blood sugar
  • Heart palpitations
  • A major craving for salt or salty foods
  • Low stamina for stress—in other words, easily irritated
  • Sensitivity to light, difficulty seeing at night
  • Chronic infections (bacterial, viral, yeast, and fungal)
  • Low blood pressure
  • Tired but wired-feeling, poor sleep
  • Lightheadedness when standing
  • Cravings for sweets and carbs
  • Premature aging
  • Lack of libido
  • Dry, unhealthy skin with excess pigmentation

These glands also play a critical role in how well the immune system and the thyroid functions. So, it’s important to see a doctor if you’re dealing with any of the above symptoms.

But besides going to the doctor, what’s a body to do? The wonderful news is, a few lifestyle changes can make a huge difference in helping the adrenals heal. For instance:

MAKE SLEEP A PRIORITY; that’s the very best way to revive them.

ELIMINATE OR MINIMIZE THE ENERGY DRAINS IN LIFE. This is a tough one because life happens. But, do the best you can to minimize time with people or activities that wear you down.

MINIMIZE COFFEE CONSUMPTION and stay HYDRATED! Drink plenty of pure water every day.


EAT WITHIN ONE HOUR OF WAKING, without fail, whether you’re hungry or not.

ELIMINATE SUGAR AND PROCESSED CARBOHYDRATES. Are you sick of this advice? Yet do you notice this counsel is given for almost every health ailment today? Abundant research proves sugar makes us SICK. (I know I’m probably alienating some of you, but I’m gonna keep beating this drum.)

Now, if we eliminate sugar and processed carbs, what the heck are we going to snack on? Well, there are always whole grain crackers, nut butters, fresh apples, raw nuts and seeds, avocado slices, and roasted turkey slices (nitrate-free), for starters.

But by very favorite healthy snack is Medjool dates. Not Deglet—there’s a HUGE difference in taste and texture—Medjool are far superior and worth the extra cost. Remove the pits, stuff with raw nuts or seeds and some nut butter, and welcome to snack heaven! They’re as good as candy bars and are powerful little healers.

Let’s take these steps, develop good habits, and be conscientious about our adrenal glands. It’s not like we can pick up another set at the mall—and life’s no fun without the energy to match it.

    Alice Osborne
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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