When you get to the fork in the road...pick it up!
Something strange is going on in our house. Our forks are disappearing!

As you can see in this photo, we have a million butter knives and even more spoons. But, we only have a handful of forks.
So, when you get to the fork in the road, pick it up! It's ours! 😂
The strange thing is that we can't seem to figure out where they are going. And, this is not the first time this sort of thing has happened.
When our kids were younger, I suspected that they were accidentally, occasionally throwing the silverware out with the paper plates when they were cleaning the kitchen table after a meal. I actually found a fork in the trash one day! Doh!
But, our kids are grown and gone now. They come home for Sunday dinner every week but they're not helping clean the table anymore (those ungrateful kids...haha). 😂
It wouldn't be a big deal to just go to Amazon to buy more forks. But, it's hard to find the perfect one...especially when you are looking at photos online.
You see, there's this one style of fork that we have, in particular, that is much better than all the rest. It has a thick, solid handle. It is balanced just right. And, the prongs are just the right length and width.

Am I crazy? Is it just me? Or, do you have a favorite fork too?
Hey! Now that you mention it...I have a favorite spoon as well!

In the photo above, you can see the traditional teaspoon and tablespoon on the left. But, one time, when we went to an AirBnB on a vacation in England, the home owner only had these soup spoons (pictured 3rd from the left above).
We ate breakfast cereal with these soup spoons and I loved it! I was like "Whoa! What a spoon! Why don't we use spoons like this all the time? This is so much better!"
So, for my birthday, Kathy bought me several of my favorite soup spoons!
I loved them so much that I put them in a glass on the top shelf of the cupboard (8.5 feet off the ground) where only I could reach them.

And, everytime I used one, I washed it immediately and put it back. Otherwise, it would get mixed in with the general spoon population and, inevitably, sure as shooting, it wouldn't be there when I needed it. And, eventually, mysteriously (like the forks), they would disappear completely!
But, one day, for some unknown, crazy reason, I deviated from my usual routine; I decided to live on the wild side and I tried the bigger spoon that you see on the right in the photo above and I found that I loved that one even more!
It's almost a serving spoon size which some may think is ridiculously large. But, I'm a big guy! I'm 6'5" tall. I have huge hands and my mouth is probably larger than average as well. So, why am I using a baby spoon like all the other baby-sized humans? If you think about it, it makes sense that a larger spoon would fit me better.
The ladles, on the other hand, are multiplying!!
Why do we have so many ladles? No wonder that drawer is so cluttered!
Anyway, it's interesting to think about right? Or, is this just my OCD talking? Do you have some favorite utensils? Do some of your utensils seem to disappear on you? Do some seem to multiply over time? If you feel the same...what's Cook'n Good Look'n? Come spoon with me and let's explore this issue! 😉
Dan Oaks
Founder of DVO Enterprises
Creator of Cook'n
Father of 5. Husband of 1.
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
Email the author! dan@dvo.com