Without fail, every jar of leftover pickle juice in my house becomes brine for chicken breast


Commenting on the recent newsletter article entitled Don’t Throw Away That Leftover Pickle Juice! Matthew Christensen said:

"Without fail, every jar of leftover pickle juice in my house becomes brine for chicken breast. It's by far one of my favorite chicken recipes."


When I saw this from BOTH of my newsletter writers, Alice and Matt, in whom I have immense trust, I just had to try it.

So, the next time we emptied a jar of pickles, instead of pouring the juice down the drain which is what we usually do, I grabbed some boneless chicken tenders out of the freezer and put them into a Ziploc bag with the leftover pickle juice.

Two days later, I grilled up some steaks for dinner and threw the chicken tenders on the grill at the same time. The next thing I knew, the kids were fighting over the chicken breasts!! Kathy RAVED about them! She LOVED them!

My daughter-in-law, Kenzie, is pregnant and can't eat much because she has such a bad case of morning sickness. Even smelling some foods sends her to the bathroom heaving. As it turned out, these chicken breasts were the only thing she could eat! So, we snatched up the remaining pieces from everyone's plates and saved them for her. She LOVED them!

So, my recommendation is: give this a try! Kathy says this is the only way she wants to eat chicken tenders from now on!

Thank you, Alice, for writing such a helpful article!! And, thank you, Matthew, for your endorsement!

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