Volume II
September 30, 2004
More Egg Tips from Cook'n Users
"I find that gently stirring the eggs as they come to a boil will keep the yolk centered and add a tsp of vinegar keeps them from cracking"
"I've been anxious to let people know how easy it is to 'hard boil' eggs using a steamer! I put my eggs in a steamer basket, set it on 22-23 minutes (this varies depending on the steamer brand), lower the steamed eggs into a bowl of ice cubes and water, and voila! the perfect hardboiled egg, and the yolk color is always bright yellow with no gray around the edge ( as you said, this must be done immediately, sometimes I change the water to keep it very cold ) ...fyi!"
Joanne Bates
An empty-nester from Murrieta, California