The Big Beautiful Brown Rice Cookbook Review

If you are looking for a unique cookbook that will help you eat healthier, this just might be the cookbook for you! The Big Beautiful Brown Rice Cookbook is packed with recipes and information about one of the most staple grains on earth. The author, Wendy Esko, says that brown rice is "the simplest, yet the most delicious and satisfying food I have ever eaten." Her love of brown rice combined with her background in macrobiotic/natural food cooking, makes this cookbook a one-of-a-kind resource for anyone wanting to add more brown rice to their diet. This is also an excellent cookbook for vegans.
The first chapter of this cookbook titled, "Brown Rice Basics", provides a fabulous overview of brown rice as well as other varieties of rice. It teaches you everything you need to know about cooking and storing rice. This chapter also contains a glossary of other ingredients used throughout the cookbook.
Other chapters in the book include recipes for breakfast, appetizers, main dishes, soups, salads, sides, and even dessert. The author lived in Japan and has several awesome sushi recipes in the appetizer section. There are also fun rice trivia facts throughout the cookbook... Did you know that there are more than 29,000 grains of uncooked long-grain rice in a single pound?
Before I reviewed this cookbook, I had no idea there were so many things you could do with brown rice! With recipes like Brown Rice Waffles, Mediterranean Rice and Barley Salad, Vegetable Fried Rice, Rice 'n Bean Enchiladas and Brown Rice Cake S'mores, you're sure to find something your taste buds will treasure. And don't forget that the recipes in this cookbook are healthy and will make you feel good too. I'd say this cookbook is a win-win!
Cristina Duke
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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