How To Eliminate Kitchen Countertop Clutter
Have you ever walked in the door after a long afternoon out, and not been able to find a place to set your purse? Or been trying to finish up dinner, and you just can't seem to find a spot to set your cutting board? Are the kitchen countertops so full of stuff that you can't even live your life? I've been there, and it's the worst. There are a million good reasons for our counters to be full, but it simply adds clutter and confusion to our kitchens and to our lives. Here is a list of things I've found on my countertops, and some ideas to help get rid of it!

Mail- My oldest daughter loves to get the mail, but by the time she makes it inside, she gets distracted and sets it down on the nearest surface. Having a system for handling mail has been huge in keeping my kitchen countertops cleared off. We now have a table at the front entry where the mail goes before it is sorted and opened. Making sure my entire family knows this system has been crucial when it comes time for me to set out a cutting board and chop lettuce for dinner.
Kitchen Appliances- Putting your kitchen appliances behind closed doors makes such a difference! I grew up with the KitchenAid out on the counter, a toaster in the back corner and the blender sitting out. We used them often and it made sense to have them sitting out for easy access. But when I set up a home with my husband, he insisted that even for appliances I use daily, we keep them in a cabinet. I thought he was kind of ridiculous back in the day, but now, I absolutely love feeling that everything is cleaned up and looking orderly once I've finished doing the dishes. I just keep the appliances I use most often in easy to reach places, and it is no big deal to pull them out when I use them.

Dishes- I don't have a dishwasher, so this is a big one for me! My dishes are either dirty on one side of the sink, or drying on the other side. I feel so much happier once I've gotten the kids going on a project, turned on some loud music and scrubbed those dishes down! I traditionally do this every afternoon, since the dishes seem to stack up during the rushed morning hours.
Keys, receipts and other random items - Anything that doesn't have a place seems to land on my countertop. From car keys to kids' hair ties, I get it all. I try to pick things up at night once the girls have gone to bed. But if I'm just too exhausted or have other priorities, they get left until I go through them on cleaning day. I know that at least once a week, all the random items will get stowed away in a place that's not giving me a headache!
Dinner preparation - Depending on the size of your countertops, even dinner prep alone may fill up your space! I try to use the least amount of dishes possible and once I am done with a dish or utensil, put it right in the sink. Even in my small kitchen, I've found that if I clean up as I go, I generally have enough room to get all my dinner components pulled together without too much stress. Unless it's Thanksgiving dinner that is!
Feel free to share any solutions you have found in keeping your kitchen countertops clutter free!
Stefanie Hathaway
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2016
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