A Furry Thanksgiving?
Welcome to November. Everyone seems to skip from Halloween to Christmas, but Thanksgiving is an important holiday for us foodies. Today, though, I’m veering away from the typical food-talk to think about another thanksgiving tradition. The AKC Dog Show.
The show itself happens earlier in the month, but is broadcast on TV for everyone on Thanksgiving Day. Sponsored by Purina, held in Philadelphia, it’s more interesting than any football game to me. Last year, the “Best in Show” winner was a Greyhound name Gia. I had to include that because I own a Greyhound. They are the sweetest, most loving, graceful, aloof, and goofy dogs. They are also great apartment dogs!

Having any dog around during Thanksgiving is welcome, as they keep the floors clean, and will even help with the dishes, too! The stressful part about having a dog during Thanksgiving is that you must watch what falls on the floor. Dogs cannot eat the bones of any cooked fowl. Onions and garlic are common seasonings, but are also very toxic to dogs. We’ve all heard about how bad chocolate is for them, too.
The list of foods that are bad for dogs seems a mile long, sometimes. It’s always on the back of my mind. Grapes and raisins cause kidney failure! Watch out! Avocados and chocolate! Beware! Liquor, caffeine? Oh no! So… What CAN I feed my dog?

Thanksgiving has so much wonderful food to share with everyone, even the furry family members. Turkey (without any bones) is a great, lean treat for pups. Potatoes are A-Okay as long as they don’t have onion or garlic as seasonings. Dairy items won’t harm your dog in small amounts, so if your mashed potatoes have some milk, butter, or sour cream, just hold back on giving the pup an entire bowlful. Mac and cheese is another dish that’s perfectly fine in small doses (that dairy again), but another a no-no if you use onion or garlic powder in it.

Green beans, peas, and carrots are super healthy, so go ahead and let your toddlers drop some of those bad boys (or should I say, good boys) on the floor. Sweet potatoes (without the marshmallows) are another healthy option for dog. Cranberry sauce? Yeah! Just watch how much sugar you’re feeding them. Bread is usually just fine, but do watch the portions, as wheat isn’t as easily digested as proteins and veggies.
Lastly, dessert. Don’t freak out if some pumpkin pie spills. While the sugar and spices in it aren’t great for pup, they’re not damaging, and the pumpkin part is pretty healthy.

You don’t need to fix a Thanksgiving plate for pup, but if you’re carving the turkey and feeling generous, I’m sure your dog won’t mind. The other good thing about this food advice is that it applies to cats, too. Although I hear they are pickier eaters.
Remember: Thanksgiving can be stressful for these pups (or felines), especially if there are a lot of people around. So be sure to have a safe space for your dog and maybe some melatonin or lavender oil on hand to keep our furry friends calm.
- https://www.petmd.com/dog/slideshows/seasonal/top-ten-tips-for-feeding-pets-thanksgiving-leftovers
- https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8105/8493096205_19fceec075_b.jpg
- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Greyhound_Racing_2_amk.jpg
- https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2311/2235927645_061426745d_b.jpg
- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Pumpkin_Pie.jpg
Rhett Hildebrandt
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2017
Email the author! rhett@dvo.com