SMART Ideas! Go Nuts! Adding More Nuts to Your Diet
by Alice Osborne
 All nuts contain high amounts of compounds called protease inhibitors, known for blocking cancer, and so researchers put them high on the list of possible antidotes to cancers.
Nuts are also rich in certain polyphenols, chemicals also shown to thwart cancers. The oil from walnuts, for example, is polyunsaturated and tends to lower cholesterol. Yippee!
 One caution though: while nuts are generally healthy, peanuts, (especially those used for commercially-prepared peanut butter) are often contaminated by a mold called aflatoxin, which is a proven carcinogen. Awww nuts!
To protect freshness and avoid rancidity, store nuts in airtight containers either in the freezer or refrigerator.
Here’s the scoop on nuts:
Almonds: The king of nuts. High in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein. Cancer clinics around the world recommend 10 raw almonds per day because of the laetrile content. Laetrile acts as an anti-cancer agent. Both almond oil and butter are nutritious due to the laetrile content.
Cashews: Grown primarily in India. High in potassium, magnesium, vitamin A and fat. Don’t consume large amounts as they contain high amounts of bad fat.
Chestnuts: Good raw, boiled or roasted. Lowest in fat content.
Filbert or Hazelnuts: High in potassium, sulphur and calcium. They have a mild flavor and are good cooked with vegetables and grains.
Peanuts: Has the highest fat content of all nuts. They’re a complex protein, but are often contaminated with aflatoxin, a known cancercauser. ( They’re actually a legume, rather than a nut.)
Pecans: A member of the hickory family. High in potassium and Vitamin A. Rich in essential fats. Good for baking, candy, etc.
Pine nuts (Pignolia): Used in Middle Eastern and Italian dishes. Chewy and sweet which makes them good for salads or combined with fruits.
Pistachios: Has a sweet mild flavor. May see holes in these nuts made by a tiny worm which gives each nut its unique flavor.
Walnuts: The oil is used in cooking, high in potassium, magnesium and vitamin A. Good in all baking, salads, and topping on desserts and cereals.
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