The university I work for receives a monthly healthcare newsletter and this month's issue has some really interesting information that you might like. One article that particularly applies to those of us with blood sugar issues is on weight control via healthy snacking. I like snacking in the evening when I'm watching TV (anyone relate?), so I read on:
"Snacking doesn't have to sabotage your weight-control efforts. Instead of a candy bar with 200 plus calories, choose healthy options with fewer than 50 calories." The list is impressive and these suggestions sound really good. See what you think:
1/2 frozen banana (50 calories)
12 bing cherries (48 calories)
1/2 cup strawberries with 2 1/2 tablespoons nonfat yogurt (47 calories)
14 frozen seedless grapes (48 calories)
6 ounces (about 3/4 cup) vegetable juice (39 calories)
1 kosher dill pickle (10 calories)
1 small celery stalk with 1/2 tablespoon peanut butter
1/2 cup fat-free Greek yogurt with 1 teaspoon sugar-free jam (43-45 calories)
1 large tomato, sliced, topped with 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese, broiled (44 calories)
2 large hard-cooked egg whites with 1 cup sliced cucumber (48 calories)
1/3 cup blueberries with 1 tablespoon light sour cream (47 calories)
1/2 cup carrots with 1 tablespoon light ranch
3/4 cup almond milk (45 calories)
Now the great thing about these snack suggestions is how nicely they mix and match if you want to create a light and healthy small meal. I like to combine the Parmesaned tomato with hard-cooked egg whites and cucumber, and top that all off with carrots and ranch dressing, and I have a healthy, low-cal lunch that totals only about 137 calories and I don't experience those mid-afternoon doldrums so common with heavy, calorie-loaded lunches.
Or I'll blend the almond milk with the blueberries and sour cream and I get a filling and delicious fruit smoothie for only 92 calories! Or I blend the almond milk with the frozen banana and I have a dish of ice-cream like custard for only 95 calories. Or I blend the vegetable juice with the carrots and ranch dressing and I get a creamy vegetable cocktail for only 90 calories. Or I ... you get the idea. The combinations you can come up with are tasty and really limited only to your imagination.
I also like to keep a pitcher of lemon water, lightly sweetened with stevia, at my desk. I sip this all through the day: it's filling and alkaline--a good combination. So next time you get the munchies, and would kill for a Snickers®, look first to some pretty good snacks that hardly count and see if your body doesn't thank you later!
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2006