Think about it! Have you ever been able to bite into a delicious, taco without making a mess? I mean, really, tacos are kind of made to be messy, with the meat, cheese, lettuce, beans and rice, and salsa. It's true that soft shell tacos are a bit easier to eat than crunchy tacos, but with both style of taco some of the filling is bound to fall out. You take a bite from one end and the good stuff falls out of the other side. You concentrate so hard on eating the taco that you don't hold conversations, or realize somebody is even talking to you. They taste so good you lose control and end up with pieces of taco in your hair, (okay so maybe that's just me.) Let's face it, it doesn't matter if you try eating your taco with your head tilted, or with a fork and knife, you're never going to look graceful eating one. Perhaps eating tacos is something that should only be enjoyed in the company of good friends or in the privacy of your own home. Below are some other foods that you should try to avoid when trying to make a first impression, whether on a first date, in a business meeting or meeting someone for the first time, don't order these matter how tempting.*
- The first thing you should remember is to make sure you order something that you'll actually eat, that won't upset your stomach and that won't make you smell.
- Garlic, onions and other pungent foods: Garlic bread is delicious, onion rings are amazing, and certain spices make food so good, but they also make your breath smell horrible. If you're trying to impress a future business partner, or maybe your future girlfriend, you probably don't want to eat anything with these ingredients. If you do insist on eating garlicky goodness, make sure to have some gum or mouth wash on hand.
- Pasta and other saucy dishes: You may be wondering why you shouldn't order these types of foods. The short answer: they are messy. Pasta is one of my favorite foods, but I always seem to be slurping when I suck a noodle in. Yes I know that I could just simply cut my noodles up, but where's the fun in that? Not only is the slurping bad, the sauce gets everywhere. I'm not sure you could come back from getting a giant spot on your shirt from a meatball. It's best to save the pasta and sauce for later!
- Giant Cheeseburgers and other over stuffed foods: There is nothing better than biting into a big, juicy, cheesy burger, especially the ones that are bigger than your mouth. Although this is a tasty treat, it's not very appetizing to watch someone try and stuff something into their mouths. Tacos fall into this same category.
- Foreign foods: There is a lot of good food in the world, and being adventurous in your culinary quests is a great quality...but maybe not if you're trying to make a good first impression. If you don't know how to pronounce the food you want to order and you're not quite sure what's in it, it's probably for the best if you don't order it. You may end up ordering something you don't like and will have to be forced to eat it and if you have a sensitive stomach, your adventures choice may make you have to cut your meeting short, if you get what I mean. So be adventurous, just wait until the second date!
I'm sure that there are plenty of other types of foods that people avoid when trying to make a first impression, this is just my list. It's important to remember that if you feel comfortable ordering one of the things above, then go for it! Just remember to pack some extra napkins, mints, and maybe an extra shirt!
*Please note that these are only suggestions and if you and the people you are meeting for the first time are comfortable eating the above foods, go for it! Who knows, maybe you'll bond over your favorite dish!
Whitney Saupan
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2013