Truth About Dads

Last month I wrote an article called “The Truth about Moms” in honor of Mother’s Day. Father’s Day is this Sunday and I thought I’d like to write an article for the dads in our lives. This of course includes, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles and anyone who has acted like a father-figure in your life.
I thought that writing this article would be easy like it was writing about mothers, but truth be told it’s a lot more difficult. I think it’s because sometimes our dads are under appreciated. I think a lot of times we think of our mother’s as our nurturers and the loving ones. I don’t mean that our fathers didn’t and don’t love us, but mothers seem more open about it. We perceive our dads as providers and protectors, who may at times, seem slightly more distant than our moms. In my opinion society has kind of taught us this. By now I’m sure of you are upset by what I’m saying, but please bear with me, I’m about to expose the truth about dads.
The truth about dads is if you’re a girl, our dads our kind of like our first love. I know that sounds strange, but think about it. He’s the first man that we ever give our hearts to, we love him and we know he will always love us. We trust him completely. Our dads show us what we want in a future man and the future father of our own kids. If you’re a boy your dad or father-figure is the person who teaches you the importance of love, and how to treat the women in your life. He’s your hero and you want to be just like him.*
The truth about dads is that they are there to help us through the tough times. They’re our little league and soccer coaches. They are on the sidelines cheering us on whenever we need them. Our dads protect us from the scary things in life, no matter how old we get. Our dads teach us how to change a tire or the oil in our car. Sometimes our dads are the ones we can sweet talk into letting us do what we want (I’ve done that on occasion). Dads are the ones who take over when mom has had enough or needs a break. They are super hero at times, our protector at times, and our friend all the time. Finally our dads are the person that won’t judge us and will be proud of us no matter what we do.
Our dads might not always get the appreciation or recognition they deserve but you can show your dad how much you adore him by making him feel especially special on Father’s Day.
Below is a quick history of Father’s Day and some ideas on how to celebrate with him!
*Please note that I am aware I’m generalizing things.
Father’s Day Origins:
If we look at history, Father’s Day is a relatively new holiday. In July of 1910 the governor of Washington state proclaimed the first “Father’s Day”, but it was not made a nationwide holiday in the United States until 1972. A woman in Spokane Washington named Sonora Smart Dodd, who was raised by a widower, tried to establish a holiday equivalent to Mother’s Day. She went to local churches, shopkeepers and government officials to get support for her idea. It was successful, and slowly the holiday spread. However, it wasn’t exactly appreciated by everyone and some men felt that it was an unnecessary holiday. Finally in 1972 Richard Nixon signed a proclamation making Father’s Day a federal holiday. Father’s day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.
Fun Dad Activities:
- Breakfast in bed complete with the Sunday paper and comics!
- Make him a homemade card (usually mom’s like this, but dad’s get mushy too)
- Frame a picture of the two of you together, he’ll appreciate it!
- Do dad’s favorite activity. Go golfing, bike riding, fishing or whatever he feels like doing.
- Create a coupon book, this is especially fun if you have kids at home. Fill it with things like “One free foot rub” or “Good for one week of garbage can duty”.
- Have a barbecue, and don’t let him cook (unless he begs to take over).
- Spoil him: go ahead, get him those golf clubs or bowling ball he’s been eyeing for a while!
- Go out for a dad and me date. My dad and I used to do this when I was younger and I think it’d be a great way to spend some quality one on one time with him. If you’re older now you could do something you used to as a child. It’ll bring back good memories for both of you.
- Create a handmade book of all the lessons you’ve learned from your dad, the good and the bad, who knows, maybe it’ll become a best-seller. This will be a great conversation starter and a way to remember all the good times.
- Fishing
- Sporting events
- Make him dinner, his favorite dinner and then do the dishes after!
- Make him dessert!
- Car Show
- Let him have the remote
Whatever you decide to celebrate your dad let him know how much you appreciate what he’s done for you. What are your favorite Father’s Day activities?
Whitney Saupan
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2013
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