Make Your Own Carrot Oil for Beauty Brilliance!

Make Your Own Carrot Oil for Beauty Brilliance!

I just finished writing about being frugal with kitchen scraps and I ran across another idea that I MUST share with you (found on another of my favorite websites, Here's what the author, Andrea, had to say about carrots:

"Instead of using expensive commercially prepared shampoos, conditioners, lotions, etc. (which contain preservatives and chemicals) why not use a natural (and inexpensive) oil? Carrot oil, specifically. It's easy to make and is extremely beneficial for the hair and skin.

"For instance, carrots are rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E, beta-carotene, and a multitude of other antioxidants. Vitamins A and E, and beta-carotene have excellent conditioning and moisturizing properties. Look at all these nutrients do:

  • heal damaged skin
  • slow the dreaded signs of aging
  • stimulate hair growth

· create luxuriously, soft-to-the-touch hair

  • improve blood circulation

· protect hair and skin from the damaging effects of weather, pollution, dust, sunlight, chemicals, salon treatments, and the like

  • strengthen hair, preventing breakage"

Then Andrea went on to tell us how to make this wonderful carrot oil, saying that first of all, the only supplies needed are a veggie peeler, hand grater or food processor, a slow cooker, a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, and a glass canning jar. And the only ingredients needed are 2 organic or home-grown carrots and some oil (olive, coconut, sunflower, or sesame oil).

And the preparation is straightforward:

  1. Wash and peel carrots.
  2. Grate carrots with hand grater or food processor.
  3. Place the grated carrots (or in my case, carrot peelings and pulp leftover from juicing) in a crock pot and pour the oil of your choice to cover. ( Andrea used 2 1/4 cups oil.)
  4. Use the lowest setting to maintain a warm temperature (no higher than 100-105°F), infusing the oil for a full 24-72 hours. (Andrea used the "warm" temperature setting on hers.) The oil will turn orange.
  5. Once the infusion process is complete, pour the carrots and oil mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth and strain.
  6. Reserve the oil and compost the carrots.
  7. Label and store the oil in a glass mason jar in the refrigerator until ready for use. Will keep for 6-8 months if stored properly.

But once it's made, what do you do with it? Homemade carrot oil is used in the following ways:

  • Add 5 drops of essential oil of carrot seed and helichrysum to 2 ounces of carrot-infused oil and apply nightly to mature skin. This application reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.

  • Make carrot oil cream to use as an all-over body lotion. Just add homemade carrot oil to coconut oil. Mix well and apply as you would any hand or body lotion.

Finally, here are author Andrea's suggestions for where to get essential oils:

  • Mountain Rose Herbs ( They have everything you'll need.
  • The Bulk Herb Store ( also carries a few of these ingredients if you'd like to price-check.

I'm sold. So carrots, carrot pulp, and carrot peelings are now on my SAVING list, and homemade carrot oil here I come!

  •   www.

    Alice Osborne
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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