Let’s Have a Conversation About Hearts- Candy and Loved Ones

One of my favorite Valentine's candies are conversation hearts. I always loved pulling them out and seeing what the next heart would say- and maybe sneakily handing a specially-chosen heart to a secret crush;). I also think they are tasty (though I know there are many that disagree;) )! However, Necco conversation hearts also hold some sentimental value for me.
My grandfather and I were very close as I was growing up. I was his little "bunny" (I'm pretty sure I never actually heard him say the name "Camille"). Ever since I was a little girl we just had a special connection. If you ask my parents, they say it's because I helped pull him out of a deep depression. As a toddler I would often go to him on the couch and just sit with him. It's like I could sense when he needed companionship and love. We definitely had a special relationship.
I remember Grandpa taking me down the street from his house and showing me the horses in the neighbor's yard. He'd even let me feed them sometimes;). He gave me his old scriptures from when he served an LDS mission as a boy and I still cherish those to this day! We spent all of our first Christmas's at their house, until there were too many kids to sleepover- but then he would always come see us.
My grandpa was always looking out for me. I remember him taking me to the dentist (of which I am terrified to this day), but he would comfort me and take me to lunch afterwards to congratulate me and to help me feel better;). He was always so proud of me when I got good grades, or when I would play the piano for him. He would often sit while I played through a whole repertoire of songs, despite the fact that he was hard of hearing. He just loved watching me play.
I also remember having a lot of fun with Grandpa. Every Saturday morning my siblings and I would go to my grandparents so we could have homemade sourdough pancakes- I still don't like regular pancakes very much;). Often, my sister and I would sleep over at my grandparents'; we would make candy with my grandma and snuggle with my grandpa. I also remember him taking me to the library with my sister, and bringing back stacks of books with our special totes. I'm pretty sure he helped encourage my love of reading through our regular library trips. I am actually working on sewing little tote bags for my own kids, because I want to continue that tradition, that love of reading.
One small thing I remember is that Grandpa used to keep a box on the high shelf in the closet of his office. Every once in a while, he'd pull down this box and let my sister and I choose a treat- I always chose the Necco wafers. It was always such a special treat when Grandpa pulled that box down. To this day, I still can't help but think of my grandpa when I see Necco wafers, or when I smell or taste them.

Hence, my love of conversation hearts :). I really do love the taste, but I can't help but wonder if maybe I love them because of all the memories I associate with them.
My dear Grandpa passed away 3 days before my 19th birthday, almost 7 years ago. There are times I still really miss him (I'm still so sad he never got to meet my husband- they are both fisherman and I'm pretty sure they would have been best buds;), and I'm so sad he doesn't get to see my own children), but I know he is in a better place, and I'll see him again:).
It's funny how a particular candy/food can initiate all kinds of memories. With Valentine's Day basically here, it's definitely a time to be grateful for that special someone in our life, but we should also spend time to reflect on all the loving relationships we have, the people we are blessed to love and know.
Do you have a particular treat or food that reminds you of a special memory or someone you love, or holds any particularly special value? I would love to hear about them! Please share in the comments below!!
- https://www.keukacandyemporium.com/store/p32/Necco_Wafers_Candy_Rolls.html
- https://www.popsugar.com/food/Conversation-Candy-Heart-Colors-7137558
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
Email the author! camille@dvo.com