Gifts for The Bacon-Lover in Your Life
Well Father's Day is well on its way here. I love looking at all the foods that come up on social media and ads for Father's Day vs. Mother's Day. Mother's Day seems to be represented by dainty little pastries, beautifully cut fruit and fresh salads. Father's Day seems to have one rule: the meatier and greasier the better! Honestly, I am inclined to lean towards the Father's Day food haha;).
And probably the master of all these foods is bacon. Does anyone know a man that doesn't love bacon? It's probably safe to assume that most men who eat meat enjoy munching on this tasty goodness;). For Father's Day, you could keep it basic and simply serve a side of bacon with breakfast or crumble it up and add it to your favorite recipe, but you could also take it a step farther and try some of these fun bacon-lover gifts:

Sugared Bacon. My brother likes to make sweeter versions of bacon. While I may not be a maple bacon donut fan, I can definitely go for these! You can coat the bacon in brown sugar and chopped pecans, or marinade it in maple syrup. With these options, it's probably easier to bake your bacon in the oven rather than in a skillet. Just turn the temperature down a little with the maple syrup to give the bacon more time to soak in the flavor;).

Bacon Bandages. I find it hilarious that this is a real thing! What better way to make a boo-boo feel better than to bundle it in bacon? (Not literally, of course;) ).

Bacon Toothpaste and Floss. This just seems absolutely disgusting and hilarious to me! Do you wake up with bacon breath the next morning??

Bacon Bouquet. I hear that men actually do like to receive flowers- but I'm pretty sure no one would argue to a bacon bouquet;). Roll up the bacon and hold together with toothpicks. Bake in muffin tins and replace the roses on a fake bouquet with these rolled up goodies!
Bacon Fat Candle. I don't usually want to smell bacon unless I am about to devour it, but for someone who absolutely loves bacon, this could be a unique and easy homemade gift!
Bacon Cologne. The only thing stronger than a bacon fat candle. You'd definitely have to be a dedicated bacon-lover to wear this stuff! (or at least dating a bacon-lover;) ).

Bacon Air Freshener. Maybe this is a little less forceful than a candle or cologne; I'm sure it's better than the old fry smell that cars can get!
Bacon Hot Sauce. I'm actually intrigued by this one. I may not want to wear the smell of bacon in the form of a cologne or candle, but I have no problem eating it in various forms ;). This could be a fun kick to a lot of dishes!

Bacon Gift Wrap. Maybe this is going over the top, but what a hoot this gift wrap would be! You could literally wrap your bacon in bacon! :D

Bacon Popcorn. I don't think this could ever be over the top. Popcorn is the perfect snack food, and being able to enjoy the bacon flavor at the same time can only be a good thing!

Bacon toothpicks. So you can pick the bacon out of your teeth with bacon.

Bacon Soap. I guess this is a good one if your bacon-lover would love to literally be covered in bacon. I'm curious to see if this smells more like soap or more like bacon….
Bacon Lip Balm. Yes, this is a real thing. The question is- does it taste like bacon too? I'd probably have to be careful how often I wore this unless I just wanted kisses all day long from my hubby;). Which wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing:).
Don't let the bacon gift-giving stop there- I saw tons more ideas- bacon vodka, bacon mayonnaise, bacon syrup, bacon salt, bacon jam, bacon wallets, bacon playing cards, bacon mints, etc. You could tie in two of your bacon-lover's favorites together! Do you guys have any fun gift ideas for bacon lovers? Share below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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