Overnight Oats
THE BEST and Easiest Breakfast Adventure!

One of the easiest grab-and-go breakfasts around is “overnight oats.” And to top it off, oats are one of the healthiest foods we can eat. We’ve talked about oats before; in fact, lots of folks are talking about oats—they’re a health power house that deserves the attention.

So before we look at this very breakfast quickie, here’s why, in a nutshell, we ought to eat our oats every day:
- This low calorie food can stop food cravings!
· Oats provide high levels of fiber, low levels of fat, and high levels of protein.
- Oats stabilize blood sugar and reduce risk of diabetes.
· They remove bad cholesterol (without affecting the good cholesterol).
· Oats contain lignans which help prevent heart disease and cancer.
- They are gluten-free safe.
- Oats are LOADED with antioxidants!
- They enhance immune response.
· They’re also an amazing skin rejuvenator; they make a superb facial, fight acnes, and enhance blood flow to the skin.
- Oats just taste good and are a remarkably versatile food.
So with this oats review covered, consider these overnight oat basics to help you build your own recipe adventure!
Overnight oats are oats that soak overnight. They’re a quick and easy breakfast that can even suit a vegan’s preferences. You don’t have to cook them at all, though you can heat them up on the stove or in the microwave, if eating cold or room-temperature oatmeal seems unappealing to you.
The beauty of this breakfast approach is that you can easily vary the amount you need to make. One person or a crowd coming for breakfast? It all works. And they keep for three to four days in the fridge, so keep that in mind when you’re planning.
The recipe below is what’s called a “skeleton recipe” and I found it on one of my favorite websites, Care2. I’m big on this sort of recipe, because it gives so much flexibility. Instead of specific ingredients, a skeleton recipe gives amount ranges and ingredient categories. You can jump off of one skeleton recipe to really create an endless number of mix and match specific recipes.

makes 1 generous serving)

1/2 cup rolled or old fashioned oats (the recipe author says that as far as she knows, steel cut oats will not work in this recipe)
1/4 cup dried fruit of your choice OR 1/2 cup fresh fruit of your choice, cut into bite-sized pieces, if needed
1 cup liquid (yogurt, water, fruit juice, milk, or your favorite milk substitute will work). If you use a thick medium, like yogurt, up this to 1 1/2 cups.
2-4 tablespoons nuts, seeds, or nut/seed butter of your choice
sweetener of your choice, optional and to taste
1/2 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons additional mix-ins: coconut flakes, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, etc.
Combine all of the ingredients in a medium bowl, mixing to combine really well. Transfer to a pint-sized mason jar. Refrigerate overnight. Serve cold, at room temperature, or heat on the stove or in the microwave.
Need some combination ideas to get you started? A few of the overnight oats combinations that I like are oats with peanut butter or almond butter and bananas, oats with pitted bing cherries and chopped chocolate chips (so good it’s almost dessert-worthy), oats with nut butter and raisins or dried cranberries, and oats with ground seeds (flax or chia), and pineapple tidbits.

Just one try at this grab-and-go breakfast and I bet you’ll be convinced—it’s the best and easiest breakfast adventure!
- www.laurafuentes.com
- www.jamesbeard.org
- www.youtube.com
- www.pinterest.com
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
Email the author! alice@dvo.com