Elegant One-Pot Dinner Party

Q: I'd like to host my first dinner party, but I'm usually a one-pot meal kind of girl. Do I really need both an appetizer and a main course (I'll definitely do dessert)? Can I get away with cheese and crackers instead of a cooked appetizer? – Jade
A: One pot meals are great! Just make sure it has a little of everything -- protein, carbs, and veggies -- and you are good to go. Try a Moroccan chicken tagine, or set up a top-your-own chili bar with all the fixings. If you do decide to go the extra mile, appetizers don't have to be complicated or time consuming to be tasty. If you've got crackers, some great cheese and any type of preserves, you can throw together great tasting bites that look impressive but won't waste valuable prep time. You will look like a pro!