Easy Breakfast Ideas to Save you Time and Hassle
School is back in session, and many families are starting to get back into a regular routine. Breakfast is one of those things that can make a huge difference in how your morning routine can go. It’s also crucial to having a productive day of learning, so it definitely can’t be skipped! So how do you make breakfast a less hectic time of day? Here are a few simple meal ideas to make sure everyone has a filling breakfast without spending tons of time in the kitchen!

Cold cereal. Of course, I’m not talking about Captain Crunch- save that for Saturday mornings;). Many moms I have talked to feel lame when they serve cold cereal for breakfast, but it’s such an easy option and it can definitely be filling if you choose wisely;). Go with a healthy, whole grain cereal and pair it with yogurt and a banana and you have a very simple and filling breakfast.
Toast. I have to throw this easy option in as well. My kids live off toast, and it can definitely keep them full for a long time if you use whole wheat bread and pair it with some protein. Try peanut butter and bananas on your toast for a sustaining, tasty breakfast.

Smoothies. These are always a favorite of my kids, and they are so easy! Just throw some frozen fruit, spinach and yogurt in a blender and you have an easy, sweet tummy filler. I also love that this can have all kinds of variety by switching out fruits and yogurt flavors, so kids won’t get bored of having the same thing all the time!
Use frozen pancakes/waffles/muffins. Sure, you could use the frozen waffles from the store, but a much cheaper and healthier option would be to spend some time Saturday morning or Monday afternoon making several extra waffles and throwing them in the freezer for the upcoming week. Kids can grab a couple and heat them up and you save some serious time by not making individual pancakes for everyone while trying to get ready for school. The same goes for muffins- they freeze well, and so why not do all the baking and preparation at a less hectic time of the day?

Make breakfast burritos and freeze them . I recently put together some burritos with hash browns, sausage, scrambled eggs and cheese, and they freeze really well and my kids love them! And I only have to cook them for 2 minutes in the microwave- definitely my kind of breakfast:). They are also super filling, so it keeps them happy until lunch time;). This is another opportunity for variety- throw in bacon or ham chunks, breakfast potatoes instead of hash browns, and you could even try some red peppers, green onions, or mushrooms to add a little extra nutrition.

Overnight breakfast casseroles/French toasts. This one may or may not work for you. Some of these recipes require a lot of baking time in the morning, so they may not be considered “fast”. But since most of the work is done the night before, you can use that baking time to shower, clean things up, sign permission slips etc., and so they still make for a less chaotic morning because you really only have to put something in the oven and then pull it out. It’s a great option for multi-taskers;). I have included a HEAVENLY recipe here- Overnight French Toast Soufflé. It’s basically cinnamon and cream and just so so good. It would definitely be a fun and tasty way to start the day;).
What do you guys do to make breakfast a little less crazy but still nutritious and filling? I’d love to hear your ideas!
- www.bakeyourday.net
- www.southernplate.com
- kaorukashima.com
- www.chef-in-training.com
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
Email the author! camille@dvo.com