SUPER FOODS to the Rescue!

Rescuing us from what? Internal inflammation and this is a BIG deal. We’ve likely all been hearing this label tossed around a lot in the past year or two. It’s now known chronic internal inflammation is at the heart of premature aging, general physical discomfort, obesity, depression, and almost all disease. Here are specific diseases that research says are linked to chronic inflammation:
- Cancer
- Heart disease and stroke
- Allergies, asthma, and respiratory disease
· Autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis
- Chronic pain and fibromyalgia
· Digestive conditions such as ulcerative colitis, gastritis, Crohn’s, and Celiac disease
- Thyroid dysfunction and metabolic syndromes
- Diabetes and insulin resistance
· Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia
And there are several causes of inflammation—high sugar diets, high consumption of trans-fats, and unhealthy diets in general (centered on processed and junk foods).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated in 2011 that inflammation is a primary mechanism of seven out of the ten leading causes of death. That means 70% of all deaths are tied to inflammation! Those are frightening statistics.
But take heart. This bad news is way overshadowed by some super good news: Just by adding the right anti-inflammatory foods to your diet you can eliminate this nasty condition. In other words, SUPER FOODS to the Rescue!

Research reported on says there are 7 powerful anti-inflammatory foods (SUPER foods) that effectively heal inflammation:

Cacao: It’s flavanols and epicatechins stimulate the metabolism, lift the mood, sharpen the mind, and protect the heart. Cacao satisfies cravings for sweet and salty foods and helps you feel “full” longer – making it an excellent choice (in moderation) for controlling weight.
How to use it? It’s available as nibs and in powder form. Substitute the nibs for traditional chocolate chips and the powder for traditional powdered cocoa (baking and drinking). For lunch today I made a scrumptious milkshake with it. And I’ve also made an amazing “chocolate” mousse with cacao. Try these recipes:

CACAO MILKSHAKE (serves 1-2)
1/3 – ½ cup cacao powder
2 tablespoons raw honey
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 cup frozen banana chunks
1 ripe avocado
2 -3 cups nondairy milk (I used almond, but coconut milk is terrific as well)
Place all ingredients in a blender in the order given and blend until smooth. Add additional milk to create a preferred thickness.

CACAO MOUSSE (serves 2)
2 medium avocados
1/3 – ½ cup cacao powder
6 fresh dates (pitted and roughly chopped)
¼ cup coconut milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Pinch sea salt (or Himalayan)
Soak dates for 15-20 minutes to soften (making chopping easier and blending thorough). Add all ingredients to your blender and blend until smooth. Garnish with fresh mint, fresh berries, or chopped nuts. Serve immediately.

Acai: (Pronounce ah-sigh-EE) It comes as dehydrated berries or a powder and it contains a powerful flavonoid, velutin. Velutin reduces lesions caused by atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to a buildup of plaque). It also inhibits inflammatory factors and suppresses the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are associated with cancerous tumors.
How to use them? Add the berries or the powder to your daily green smoothie. Or reconstitute the berries in a little water or fruit juice and add them to your morning oatmeal.

Spirulina: This blue-green algae is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, and rates as a favorite super-food with almost all food scientists and reserachers. Referred to as a nutraceutical, it’s been proven in countless studies to exhibit tremendous antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit those with heart disease, viral infections, liver disease, and even cancer.
It naturally detoxifies, protects the eyes, and boosts your immune system. Spirulina’s 60% protein content makes it a valuable anti-inflammatory food.
How to use it? It comes as supplement or powder. So you can take a couple supplements daily or daily add the powder to your green smoothie. It mixes well and blends nicely with all fruits.

Chlorella: Another incredibly nutrient-dense algae, chlorella’s anti-inflammatory properties stimulate the growth of “good” gut flora, improve energy levels, naturally detox your body, and help maintain a healthy pH balance. It also reduces the physical symptoms of stress, helps in controlling weight, and can normalize blood pressure.
How to use it? It comes as a powder mostly, so same thing—I add it daily to my green smoothie.

Hemp : The most common way we find it is as seed (the same size as chia seed). It contains over 450 healing compounds. They work by activating neurotransmitters in the brain that have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
How to use it? I add it to my cooked oatmeal and slow cooker soups and stews. I also sprinkle it over my salads, and like the other super foods, it’s tossed into my morning green smoothies.

Maca: This root vegetable is in the cruciferous family and packs a serious punch when it comes to overall health. Rich in vitamins and minerals that protect you at the cellular level and boosts energy, it’s one of the most beneficial anti-inflammatory foods you should add to your diet. Experiments consistently prove it lowers inflammation dramatically. It improves insulin tolerance, heart health, thyroid function, hormone balance, bone health, and strengthens your entire central nervous system.
How to use it? It also comes as a powder, so blend this into your cacao treats and of course, add it to your green smoothies.

Turmeric: The most famous compound in turmeric called curcumin, dramatically lowers inflammation. It gives curry dishes their distinct color and aroma. When it comes to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties, turmeric is another giant of a powerhouse.
The numerous studies linking it to measurable protection against cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s are just the beginning. The spice has shaken up the scientific community and made traditional medicine re-think their stance on “holistic” therapies.
How to use it? Besides all the traditional recipes that call for turmeric (curry, etc.), make what Dr. Andrew Weil calls “Longevity Tea:”

LONGEVITY TEA (yield: 4 cups)
4 cups water
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
½ teaspoon freshly grated ginger OR ¼ teaspoon dried ginger
Raw honey to taste
Boil water; add turmeric and ginger; allow to simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste.
All of these SUPER foods are outstanding and easy to include in our diet. They all boost overall health by lowering or eliminating inflammation, revving up metabolism, and strengthening the immune system. Include each on in your daily diet—it’s SUPER FOODS to the Rescue—and watch your health improve leaps and bounds!
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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