Foods That Will Make You Happier and Boost Your Mood

February can be such a rough month! Winter is in full swing and has been for several weeks, and sometimes it feels like there’s no end in sight! There’s no big holidays or breaks to look forward to, and often we’re starting to lose motivation on our New Year’s Resolutions. While there’s lots of approaches we can take to cheer ourselves up, definitely give some thought to your diet!
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that when I’m having a rough day with the kids or just feeling a down day, I grab a carton of ice cream and go to town….. Probably not the healthiest habit ;). But luckily, there are several foods that actually can boost your mood- and they’re much healthier alternatives to a gallon of ice cream or a bag of potato chips ;).
*Dark chocolate- like that’s a surprise ;). However, make sure you keep it small- no more than 1.4 ounces a day. It’s a little higher in calories, but there have been multiple studies that have shown that eating a little dark chocolate can reduce stress! Just what I wanted to hear ;).
*Fish- it’s filled with Omega-3’s (which are not naturally produced in our bodies), and these help to release dopamine, which is a huge mood booster!
*Iron- this sneaky little mineral can really affect your energy level, which in turn can have a huge impact on your mood! Iron deficiency can cause apathy and tiredness which can lead to depression. Get your iron intake through foods like spinach, lentils, nuts, and dark chocolate.
*Coconut- inhaling pleasant scents can definitely relieve stress, but studies have shown that inhaling the scent of coconut can literally reduce blood pressure; definitely a handy trick to have on hand for those stressful days!
*Saffron- this little spice packs a punch! A study showed that saffron has the same antidepressant effects as prescription antidepressants. I’m always for more natural solutions!
*Chromium- a mineral that is found in our bodies that helps to metabolize food. It actually helps your brain to regulate your emotions! It can be found in broccoli, potatoes, grape juice, and turkey.
*Vitamin D- there have been multiple studies to show that lower levels of Vitamin D can lead to some serious depression. We can actually get some of our Vitamin D from the sun, but in the wintertime, that can be a little tricky! (Is it any wonder we all get a little down this time of year?!) Luckily, eating foods with Vitamin D such as salmon, milk, and eggs can give you that boost you need!
Seeing a trend here? ;) If you really struggle with depression, you may seriously want to consider a diet change overall! As tasty as sweets and processed foods may be, they can actually cause us to suffer even more depression; in general, people with healthier diets are happier overall! That sounds like it might be worth putting down the ice cream, right? ;) Eating more fruits and veggies and a well-balanced diet in general will help your body to be equipped with everything it needs to regulate emotions and mood swings and keep things upbeat!
What are your go-to foods when you’re feeling down? Healthy or otherwise? ;)
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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